Chapter 28 – From the heart…

1354 Words

When the Doctor, Sebastian, came in, the father and son were lying on the bed watching cartoons. He smiled briefly and said, "Hey Dominic." Dominic looked up and saw his friend in a white coat leaning against the door frame and looking his way. He stretched out his hand to take the little boy off his body and then put his phone on the shelf for him. "Austin, you okay to take care of yourself for a little while watching some more cartoons? Just while Dad and Uncle here chat about a few things okay?” Dominic explained to his son. "Uh-huh," Austin barely looked up from watching the cartoons and was quite content with his Dad moving to the other side of the room to talk to the familiar doctor. Dominic however, didn't walk too far, wanting to stay where Austin could see him, and stood at

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