Chapter 31 – Time for Lunch?

1228 Words

After Drake Clark left Dominic tapped gently on Taylor’s desk, “You coming to my office?” he said quietly to her. But she didn’t respond. He then continued to tap at her desk, trying to get her attention or to irritate her she was unsure which it was, but she glanced up at him.      "What do you want to eat for lunch?" he asked her, a smile playing on his lips now that he had her attention.  “Me?” he said with a wink.         Taylor rolled her eyes, but could not help but smile at his cheekiness. Dominic sat himself on an empty office chair and pulled the woman in front of him onto his lap, so desperate to have her near him again. "Seeing as you are doing your best to resist my charms today, how about I take you for lunch? There is a restaurant nearby that I am sure I recall you said yo

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