Chapter 34 - Twisted hate…

1203 Words

"Well..." In the elevator, Taylor's body was pulled tighter into Dominic's arms, he gently stroked back the hair from her face, taking in the scent of her perfume. He loved having her close to him, and he instantly calmed having her there in his embrace.       “I missed you” he whispered, and then the man bit her ear. "So, what did you eat for lunch?"          "Um?" she didn’t really reply, a little taken aback by him nipping her ear with his teeth. Shocked he would do that to her.        "Has anyone ever said that you are very good at attracting bees and butterflies, Taylor?" Dominic whispered again, a smile playing on his lips.        Taylor snorted and, with a shake of her head,  reached out to push him away. If he was going to start playing games and acting off with her she did not

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