Chapter 55 – Dinner disaster…

1260 Words

   Meanwhile at the family house on pack, the instant Lena entered the house, Dominic’s Dad, Drew stood up and walked over to greet her. The moment she saw his face she knew he was not happy and instinctively knew he was going to get angry with her. Though, what was she supposed to have done? Her son needed her. He had asked for her help and she could not refuse him, nor her grandson…        “Oh how wonderful, you are still alive. I was beginning to wonder. It is strange, my wife, you complain you are getting old, yet you can quite happily stay up all night like young people. Even choosing to stay out all night too” he hissed, Lena assumed he was attempting to be quiet so the others at the table did not hear, which puzzled her, because the easier thing to do would be to use the mindlink.

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