Chapter 37 – A caring husband?

1350 Words

Dominic smiled at Taylor. She was quite sweet when she was the doting wife.       "Are you hungry?" he touched her belly gently with his big hand.    Neither of them had eaten dinner today, not to mention that Taylor had been dancing for two hours, so her energy was exhausted. So she was in fact hungry, as was he. He knew that she should have something to eat, but still he wanted to ask.      "I'm going to cook some dinner for you, do you want it?" Dominic asked as he reached out and took the woman in his arms and sat her on his lap, "Huh?" "Sounds perfect, thank you. " Taylor smiled at him. "I think I have started to remember some of the things you like and the things you don't like." Dominic tells her.   Taylor looked at him in surprise, surprised and touched that he has taken

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