1275 Words

Sephora's POV I screamed so loud, the sound of agony ripping through the hut. my fingers clung to the black rose, burning until I thought my skin would peel back to the bone. Summer leapt to pull my back, but my voice protested in his mind. No! You cannot touch me. It is consuming me. It cannot take you, too, or I have no way back. Swearing aloud he dropped his hands to his sides. It took every bit of discipline he possessed to keep from yanking away from the Rose. Breathing deep, ignoring the constant sound of the water booming and echoing through the chamber, he concentrated on holding on for a little while. "I can't do this. It burns, Summer. I can't think because of the pain." He felt agony sweeping through my body, wrenching at my bones and flesh. Setting his teeth, he took the

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