CHAPTER 10: Yuri Alderidge

1826 Words

“What topic are we gonna choose?” Ino asked as he gazed down at André’s notebook that was scribbled with the possible topics they could choose for their documentary. “I personally like the criminal minds.” “Of course you would,” Noah muttered, and André shot him a nasty look. “You want to patronize those of your own species. It’s a natural instinct.” “Okay, okay,” Ino said, breaking the building tension between the two and pointed at the notebook. “Eyes here, please. Thank you.” “I think we should go for … hmm, documenting Honesty and World Peace?” Sabrina suddenly butt in and everyone else in the table gawked at her like she just said the most ridiculous thing ever. “What? It’s a nice idea. I like—” “No one cares what you like, Sabrina,” Zac deadpanned, and Ino frowned. “Let’s just

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