CHAPTER 11: Experiment

1481 Words

“What the f**k are you doing here?” André hissed, straining his voice to keep it low. Professor Alderidge beamed. “I miss you, too, sis.” “Shut up,” André hissed again, looking around the empty room for anyone who might overhear. “Did Raze send you here? I thought you were studying law, what the f**k are you—” “Profanities, Asa,” Yuri cut him off. “It wasn’t Raze who sent me.” “Axel?” He nodded. “And yes, I [did] study law. I just passed the bar last year. Haven’t you heard?” “If you did, why are you teaching Algebra here? I doubt if you even have the right qualifications to—” “Have you forgotten who I am?” Yuri laughed in an almost evil way. “I can do anything I put my mind into. I’m brilliant, you know?” “Brilliant, my foot.” Yuri laughed again. “Come on, why are you so grumpy?

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