Lair Meeting

1951 Words

I was sitting in a booth in the back, just needing some alone time, and I was lost in thought as I kept replaying everything that had happened on that last assignment. It haunted me, Felix’s face just before he died. The whole setup of that ambush was puzzling me. “Is this seat taken?” I heard someone ask and I looked up. “Hey, no it’s not,” I said and smiled as she slid into the booth opposite me. “I heard a rumor that you were back,” she said and smiled at me. “Guess it’s true,” I said, and she laughed. “How have you been?” she asked me. “Good and you?” I asked her. “Not too bad, my classes ended early today. I usually come here to do my homework, it’s quiet,” she said as a waitress brought her coffee over. “What are you studying?” I asked her. “Bookkeeping,” she said, and then

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