Nerranne State Park

1013 Words

Brandon motions for her to get up and follow him, saying not much more than a couple of phrases that made no sense to her.  Was he mad?  Raine, keen to all emotion as she was, did not think the man was particularly angry… crazy on the other hand? Yes. Absolutely. It was in the way he took her hand that did it. The way his eyes seemed to follow an imaginary line. Why do the insane men have to be gorgeous, she mutters to herself following the strange man leading her back into the woods. It’s not like she really had a choice in the matter. Peter left and so did a lot of the crowd which was honestly odd for a renaissance fair. In all of the ones she had ever been to, many ran far into the night, enjoying bonfires at multiple sites, food and drink. Their surroundings, she’s noticed, have ch

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