Raine’s Mark

1747 Words

Raine left. It was time to go, regardless of the call to that ornate piece. She figured she would simply have to recreate it as she did everything else. At least then she knew the metal wouldn’t hold a charge and she wouldn’t be as actively wound up every time an element decided to take over, or a shopkeeper lost his mind. On the way out, her hand throbbed while she looked for anything cold to put it on. Again a cool breeze circled around her, then again around her wrist and because of it she’d realized a stone wall. The same one that they’d seen from the outside of the fair.  Thankful, Rain found herself placing her hand on nearly each rock as she left the vicinity while heading out to the parking lot. It was the only relief Raine could find, all the way, that is, to the boulders that a

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