Chapter 11 : Raden's Request

2060 Words

Elinor was speechless for a while. She did not expect Raden to lie about something as important as this in front of his father. His casual air now seemed like an air of carelessness for a moment, but at the same time she was grateful too, but he lied to help her. She shouldn't judge him for lying when, back there, she added a condition that benefited her and put their pack at a potential loss. Raden's lie was a selfless act to help Elinor. Due to these thoughts, Elinor couldn't say anything in front of him. She did not want to present herself as an ungrateful person, and neither did she want to praise him for lying about being mates. Raden took her silence as an indication and stopped talking as well. Alex showed them a house where they could stay temporarily. "Thank you," Elinor sa

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