1447 Words
Almost six months had gone by and Jo was worried to death. Ally had ended up going downhill just as she´d predicted, and now she´d started wondering why that exact same thing hadn´t happened to her yet... Or maybe she was so blind that she just couldn´t see it. Finding Ally bleeding all over herself after she f****d things up with that Gus guy had been a huge wake up call. She knew it was only a matter of time for her to end up even worse, and she´d have no one to blame about it but her own. So she´d bitten that bullet and stopped cutting herself. The scars on her hips slowly fading with each passing day. She had been so proud when Ally finally climbed out of the pit she´d fallen into and she was even more delighted to meet the guy in question at last. He was awesome and Jo had felt a slight pang of jealousy when she saw how cute they were together. A week later, Jo was sitting at a hotel room in Paris while she considered staying there for the night or going out and taking her chances with a random guy in the city of light. She decided for the latter and tucked herself into a short dress, then applied some make up and gloss, before walking a few streets down to a cute terrace situated over the waters of a wide canal. She sat at a tiny table, ordered herself an artisanal beer and patiently waited, looking around for her next target. Her eyes landed on a guy soon enough and she smiled with delight at the sight of the bulky Parisian man standing by the bar, wearing his jeans and coat with such a style Jo even felt intimidated. She lost no time and stood up, walking towards the counter, clutching her empty bottle in one hand. -May I get another one?- she casually asked when she got to the bartender, placing the container on the bar´s smooth surface. French cutie´s eyes instantly traveling to her ass while he sat a few feet away, drinking from his glass of red wine. - Mets-le sur mon compte - he talked as he signaled something to the barman and Jo watched as he nodded at him knowingly. -I don´t speak a drop of French baby, but I´m gonna assume you just paid for my drink- Jo said, turning to look at the guy with a half-smile, raising her beer towards him and taking a little sip- So thanks… If you wanna join me, my table is over there. She walked back to her spot and sat down, the corners of her mouth raising up as she felt the guy´s presence behind her. He pulled the chair out for her and Jo sat, pleased at his gesture. -I´m Émile, mon coeur- he told her as he took a seat, with a confident smile on his face. -Nice to meet you Émile- Jo replied, batting her lashes seductively at him. It didn´t take her long to get him into her room and f**k his brains out until she got tired of him. When her p***y felt sore and she couldn´t stand his strong cologne smell any longer, she handed him his underwear and threw him out of there. Then she took a long shower, standing down the stream with her eyes closed for a long time. She turned the water off and exited the bathroom. Then she walked naked to the bed, peeled all the sheets off and collapsed on the bare mattress. Two days later she was back home and feeling totally drained, her will to live flushed down the toilet as she remained lying miserably on her bed and just hoped for everything to be over. -Hey- Ally´s voice startled her as she stood by her door- Tomorrow´s Gus´s birthday and he´s having a costume party, wanna come? She´d jumped on the idea, hoping to get distracted from her hideous state of mind and helped Ally dressing up. Then she threw an old sexy devil´s costume on, and they both climbed into a cab. When they arrived to the crowded place Ally found Gus and she was soon all over his bones, kissing him and making Jo green with envy. -Get a room you two- Jo said, rolling her eyes and faking disgust. -Hey Jo!- Gus exclaimed hugging her tightly- How was your trip? -Good! Great!- she lied- But I´m still a bit jet lagged, I think I need a beer.   -Say no more my lady- He laughed and turned around, his eyes landing on a gorgeous man- Saul! Would you toss me a beer for my friend Jo here? Jo´s heart skipped a beat as she took in this new, amazing man´s features in, fighting to keep her jaw from dropping and start instantly drooling at the sight of him. He flashed her a radiant smile and she felt her cheeks almost combust, heat rising all the way up to her face while feeling incapable of taking her eyes away from his large figure… His long, smooth hair and his intense dark eyes. Even the fact that he was wearing a dress made him look even more astonishing. Jo felt something being put into her hand and realized the guy had walked all the way to where she stood and placed a beer can into her palm. -Hey! I´m Saul- He spoke and her knees faltered at the sound of his silky, clear voice. Then she mentally cursed herself a moment later when she realized he had his hand extended at her, expectantly. Hi. I´m Jo- she replied hurrying to shake it back, feeling an electric discharge run all through her entire body at his very touch – I´m Ally´s roommate -Nice to meet you Jo –Saul said and she fought to keep breathing properly. -So you´re supposed to be Belle?- Jo asked, trying to say something clever and climb above the turmoil she was experiencing. -Oui mademoiselle- He made an adorable, classy bow, offering her his arm and smirking in such a sensual way, Jo thought she would just pass out- Please be my guest, come meet the rest of the band! She hooked her hand onto his large, hardened arm and she blushed at the heat that coursed through her skin. Her brain tripping on a series of chaotic thoughts. Saul made sure to introduce her to almost every person around and she just nodded politely, greeting all of them, her mind struggling to retain any names at all. A couple hours later Jo sat a few feet away from him as she took another sip from her beer while she ogled him discretely trying to figure out why did this man affect her that much. He was cute, no doubt… even wearing a princess dress he looked manly as hell with all the plenty intricate tattoos adorning his arms, the ink contrasting beautifully with his pale skin. And he seemed so careless and happy most of the time. But he also had this deep, melancholic look that poured out from the darkness in his eyes, and that intrigued her the most. Jo put her empty can aside as Saul glanced briefly at her. He kept his conversation with one of his band mates going for a few more minutes before raising a finger and seemingly excusing himself. Saul turned around and reached for a large cooler, extracting a couple of beer cans and walking up to Jo. He gave her one of them and popped the other open, taking a huge swig from it, then rubbing his mouth clean with his forearm and smiling down at her when she took a small sip of her drink. A moment later, she felt his finger pulling her chin up to him as he inspected her face for what felt like hours, silently staring at her and making her cheeks redden and her breath uneven. -Ok Sugar, I´m asking you out- He announced with a satisfied look in his eyes- And I hope you say yes. “Oh my god! I´m totally f*****g this guy” Jo immediately decided as she got lost in the strange light that emanated from him.
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