I hate technology

434 Words

Chapter 18 Donnie I stared in surprise. Ok, so she wasn't disturbed, disgusted or turned off? This wasn't the outcome I was expecting. I Watched as she sunk lower into the ball pit. "My snack?" She said with a hint of an attitude. I looked at her and headed to the kitchen.I wasn't even sure what she would eat, but I had the drink. I ended up making a fruit and cheese platter for her. I grabbed her soda and headed back to the room. I pushed the door back open and found that she had moved from the ball pit to the vanity and was busy adding ribbons to her hair. "Here you go." I placed the tray on the edge of the vanity. "Thank you daddy.Why don't I have a tv in here?" I mulled it over. Her space was definitely preteens or early teens. "I'm sorry. I'll order you one today ok?" She nodded ha

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