Nice Guy

500 Words

Chapter 19 Amirah         I groaned and looked at the phone. Max. What the entire f**k does he want right now?  I make my irritation cear when I answer. "Hello." He answers slowly,  as if he can sense the irritation. "Hi Miry. Just checking in on you. Stylan wanted to invite you over to our tent party. We have turned the suite into Elephant City as he calls it. It's really fantastic."  I take a deep breath before responding. "It's really nice of you guys t think of me and invite me,but this is your time with Stylan. Treasure it. Make some great memories. Goodnight." I go to hang up, but Max responds. "Ok. I understand. I will let Styla know his mommy is more interested in whoring than spending time with her family. We drove by the apartment on our way back. i know you aren't there. Tha

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