Bye mommy

440 Words

Chapter 15     Amirah     I stepped back from the door and contemplated my options. I could act like I am not home. Or I could answer and tell him off. I could call the front desk. Or I could call Donnie. Well no I can't. This isn't his situation. I sigh and take a deep breath. I open the door. "You have 2 minutes before I call the police." Max looked stun. "No I'm just here for some business ..I jut thought I'd see.. this isn't .. when did  you get so feisty?" I rolled my eyes. "One minute." He ran his hands through his hair. "Ok can I take Stylan out later after my meetings I had thought maybe we all could go but I see you want to be difficult."  I took a deep breath. .I will not kill this man . I will not kill this man. "IF Stylan wants to spend the day with you, he may. Only if he wa

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