It's Alina

799 Words
"Well he does teach well"I confessed to my father.Not like i wanted to buy I did . He stands up like he won a big award or something. Can he be more proud of himself ? I roll my eyes. A few days pass away.Every thing is going on as it should be then Monday came .That new teacher came for one more day. On Monday when I reached school and went to my classroom, I was already exhausted thinking about the whole "Let's pretend" thing then... What Ivory mam ??...Shit can this day get any worse ?? For reference let me tell you.She is our Drama teacher.And i am avoiding her for the last few days.Reason ? She wants me to play Juliet in our next drama of annual fest.What ? Yes ofcourse I can act. And I can dance and draw too. Do not be shocked.But this time it's different. Ufffff !!! It is freaking Juliet!!!.. What ? You do not understand the problem? " Romeo..O my Romeo " .Yes this is exactly the problem. I don't want any boys around me.Even if it is for a drama. Cringe !!!! I took left avoiding to get notice.Just then I collided with someone. "A..ahha.. Jesus!!!!" He Screamed. " Where are your eyes girl" He blurted. Hurriedly without thinking a bit I pressed my hands over his mouth so that She does not get to notice me while passing that corner. I whispered "shhhh!!! My eyes are exactly where it should be !" When there was no sing of Miss Ivory I released him. Shit ! Did I just do that ? Oh no ! What do I do ? Is he gonna complain to teachers? Oh God Alina.Do you not have a damn mind? But to my surprise he Smirked and said " Maybe you don't Miss .Damn mind And don't do that again.I swear" like he threatened me. Wait what ? Does he not know me ? Freaking everybody knows me here.And Did I just said that out loud?????? Girl get a grip. s**t ! Now I am going to be late. First class was pretty boring that day.It was History class.Well ,for me history is really boring and it's almost like just putting data in a computer just to make you remember this till you need it .I can't stand the obsession of teachers to make us memorise all those dates and years.Like why ? The lesson we can learn from History is good but what about the dates ? Anyway after the break we had English literature class. I mostly sit with Jena, sometimes Eve or Glory. That depends on the teachers that we have classes on that particular day.Jena whispered to my ear ," Are you thinking about something cause you are not taking a single note ?" I lowered my voice ," I know The poem " "Hey you two,Do you think I am joking here?You are talking constantly?" He shouts.As if he wanted his voice to reach exactly where it should not. Seriously constantly? I have just said four freaking words. He came beside my desk.Took up Jenas note book . Nodding his head " oh ! So you are taking notes " But then he looked at me with glaring eyes," what were you thinking when you were not taking notes?" I said humblely and respectfully,"I was listening to your class ,sir" "Is that so ?" He raised his eyebrow crossing arms." Then tell me Miss. Aliana, what is the tone of the poem in the first 8 lines? " He is smirking. Ahhhh!!!!! I love anything but that face saing you are defeated. In the next second Jena stands up and protests," But sir you did not explain it yet" she murmurs loosing her courage. He scowled at her " You go there stand up out side of my class " When Jena was nearly sobbing and went outside he turned to me.I looked up at him,not avoiding his gaze . I went like ,"In the first eight lines of Christina Rossetti's sonnet "Remember," the tone is solemn, somber, and melancholic. The narrator is asking her beloved to remember her after she dies The tone is supported by the slow-moving lines. Repetition, for instance, slows down the first two lines as the speaker repeats the haunting words "gone away... gone... away," which tolls like a funeral bell. Further, the repeated phrase "remember me" in the first, fifth, and seventh lines also tolls like a bell and sounds like a ghostly refrain" I kept my eyes on him. He blinked and coughed then nodded.He turned away and was walking away. "And Mr.Elivish It's Alina not Aliana.I hope you do remember that next time " my mouth twisted in a rictus.
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