
818 Words
Shattering my thoughts the bell rang. I got up. I think I need to make a good impression .How about a brat?That would be nice .Acting and all. I wore my most annoyed expression and went to my room. Oh!I see him from behind .Hmm... Tall,black hair but why is he wearing such a nice shirt? Is it an interview ? Ok let's see how much you are prepared for ! He is sitting on one of the two chairs. Pretty relaxed.Confident. grhhhh!!! I hate sometimes confident people.It makes me remember of all those time when I was weak, feeling insecure, feeling scared.Already turning those pages of my books !!! With the most annoyed and who the hell are you tone "That 's my seat" I say from behind. He is startled. But he composes himself quickly.And says ," O,umm..I did not know . Do you mind if I sit here only for today ?" "I do " I say crossing my arms. And without any word or any protest or anything he stands up and sits on the other chair which is just in front of me. He looks up at me. Grhh!!! I hate that look.It 's like I am Mr. Knows Everything,Does everything. I look at him with my most straight face.Rolling my eyes I sit on my chair. He is still not talking ? Nahhh! I am not going to start talking. Hmmm, Well, Glasses? Eww, Typical nerd ! I look at him up and down then look outside. For the next few moments we sit there in an awkward silence. I like silence.It helps me to overthink.One of the best things I can do even without any help.Sometimes I overthink too much and i almost forget that I have to live in a reality where I must be a "good girl".A girl who talks less, complains less,agrees immediately,wears the most humble clothes and expression,is respectful even to shitty people, don't have boyfriend, don't know about "adult things", don't know about,her own body, don't know to live and to breathe. "Back to reality" he shouts in a low voice slamming his hand on the table. I look at him confused." s**t I was overthinking?"I say in my mind. I stare at him without blinking and without any expression. " So you are Alina ? " He Says with a vigorous smile keeping his hand on the table. "Is there anyone else in the room "I say "No ,I .." he Says looking confused. I fake smile and say ,"Exactly ". I look down.Playing some tricks with my hands."Does he think I am a brat now" I say in my mind. He speaks again ,"You father told me are ..... "A brat " - I smirked. He raised his eyebrow questioning what he heard then coughed a little. He adjusted his position. "Enough about my father " I grumbled. He raised his eyebrow again in a questioning way. "Ok ,then let's talk about yourself " He bended over the table making eye contact with me. What ? About me ?Is he not gonna start teaching?And tell me to write down what ever I have learnt and then if I can not tell my mother that I am a good student but I need to do better and he will help me to be it ,so they don't have to worry about these ?" " You keep zoning out a lot " He grins. "Huh?...U..why me ?" I questioned " Because rather than being a teacher I want to be your friend first " - He smiled lining on the chair. I confirmed by saying ,"You mean ,F R I E N D " Lifting his shoulder,"Yes,Why am I not worthy of being your friend?" I coughed.What? Worthy? Why does he think like that ? And why is he so friendly? I don't like that at all.Well,I like attention but not to much. I feel saffocated.I feel I am being watched 24/7.And the last thing I want to is getting attached to people.Friends or relatives.You just are just left being hurt or alone if you get attached. "Hello ,ma'am ! Do we have you here with us ?" He giggled. Ok that is it .I am totally irritated.He is too much.How dare he says me ma'am in that kind of a tone." What kind of a tone? " I asked myself. But there I got no answer. I said with a stren face ," I am not here to make friends at this hour nor you." Throwing the book shortly I said " Teach me" He catched the book and blinked twice. I did not break the eye contact this time. He lowered his eyes and opened a random page - And goes like ," Remember when I am gone away/gone far away ......" How was it ? I am a successful brat now?
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