A Mother’s Pain

1714 Words

NOT so long ago, Solana established the Metis pack to accommodate the hybrids and half-breed alike. Decades later, it has been flourishing like most of the packs in the rest of the world. She was the first alpha. A Petrov. A hybrid of vampire and wolf. The first alpha that led a pack but cannot transform into a wolf. There was an uproar in the Werewolf Union at that time. However, werewolves have no say in who their mate would be. The children will be half of each of her parents. The issue was forgotten easily. That part of her life seemed so long ago. Still in a daze, Solana looked beyond the open field of the Metis territory. Earlier this morning, she had a run at the borders. She passed by the warriors in their daily training. The run and the fresh air did nothing to the heavi

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