Chapter 3

2378 Words

Chapter 3 I wasn’t really close with any of the guys at work, except for the occasional beer and pizza out, but a couple of them called to check on me and make sure I was still breathing. The only one I could really call a friend was Jude, and even then we didn’t do much more than talk while at work. Jude’s wife made a casserole he dutifully dropped off, and he stayed around long enough to shoot the s**t. Captain Marcus called to check in as well. Our conversation was stilted and awkward, and I had to fight to keep the grin off my face. The captain was always slightly socially inept when he wasn’t giving orders, and I wasn’t much better. My drug-induced state made the exchange amusing instead of uncomfortable. And other than a visit from the octogenarian down the hall who smelled of cat

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