Taunting Him

1021 Words
Two years later. Jax sits at the table while Lucas talks away, but he can't hear his words, his mind on everything else, too much happening for him to concentrate. "Are you even listening?" Lucas snaps. Jax lifts his gaze to him. "Look, I get it. Two years you have had Alisa. Move on, Jax. What's the alternative? Agree to love her and leave your wife?" Jax nods. He knows he is right. Alisa is amazing, but he sees it in her face: her falling in love with him, which was a big no-no for him. He has Roxanne, his wife. He couldn't love another woman like that. He couldn't agree to, and hell, he couldn't let Alisa think she was loved like his wife and risk her deciding she wanted kids. "A year, Jax. Take the year to relax, find someone new. Hell, go on holiday. You won't get this year back. Your work is here, so enjoy it. A month or two and then no work at all for the rest of the year." Jax nods. He knows Lucas is right. "Seriously, your 'It hurts; she loves me' s**t is too much. Either accept it and leave Roxanne, or forget it. I leave tonight. It's my last 6 months, and then I stop it all, Jax. Any updates I will let you know. Any orders I will let you know." Lucas's hand pushes through his hair as he looks at Jax frustrated. "I will leave with you and go home." Jax smiles up to him, finishing his coffee as Lucas shakes his head. "No, you won't. Melodie wants to see you. She is hella pissed off that you ran out the other day when she got home." Jax laughs. He had bolted and f*****g fast. He has hardly spent any time alone with Melodie for a reason. For two years he has pretty much avoided being alone with her. "Seriously, just stay, say hi. You're like her brother, Jax. Don't f*****g hurt her and ignore her." Lucas stands up and walks out, leaving him sitting alone. He could do it: sit here, say hello. That's all he needs to do. Sitting, he waits, the door opening not long after. He can hear the heels along the hall, his eyes catching a glimpse of her legs first as his eyes follow up her body. She stops at the door and looks at him, an amused look on her face. "You're slow today." She looks at Jax, smiling. "Are you forgetting this is where you run like hell from this child you're so damn scared of, Jax?" He feels his eyes rolling at her. "Not running. I just thought I would say hi then walk." He stands up. This was stupid. He can't do this. "You're really going to just walk out of here, just like that, Jax?" He turns and looks at her confused. "I am because I don't exactly owe you f**k all, Melodie. You have seen me, so now I can leave." She stands glaring at him. "Do you just enjoy seeing me in pain? Is that it, Jax? You like watching me hurt over you, in pain, wondering what the hell I did to get such a cold-arsed shoulder from you?" Jax turns to look at her, his expression as cold as ice. "You don't know what f*****g pain is. You're a child." He can't do this. He takes a breath as he catches the anger and hurt in her eyes. "You bastard." Her words scream as she swings to hit him, his hand catching hers before it hits his face and he pins her against the wall. "You don't know pain, Jax. You're the one who refuses to let anyone in. You're the one running from something because you're scared. You don't know pain. Even your wife isn't your f*****g wife." Jax moves, glaring at her. "Don't you bring Roxanne into this. God, I swear you will regret it." He stands still, grasping her wrists. "Why? Because you're scared you will agree? Come on, Jax, even my dad said you both regret the marriage and are only staying together to please her family because her daddy would hate for his princess to get a divorce, or her being with that other guy." Jax's jaw clenched with anger. "Melodie, my wife and marriage have nothing to do with you or anyone else." She nods smiling. "How's Alisa? That had to have hurt, Jax, hearing her say she loves you, knowing you can't say it back even if you wanted to because, let's face it, Roxanne will cry and you feel will bad." Jax closes his eyes. Why does she have to do this? "She is just another in the long list of women you want to f**k to try to get me out of your head. It isn't working though, is it, Jax?" She stands staring at him, Jax shaking his head. If he kisses her, he won't stop. He has missed her. "Enough, Melodie! My submissives have nothing to do with you. You have it all wrong." His voice is loud as she laughs. "Yeah, because, let's be honest, as your eyes raked across my legs and up to my breasts, your jeans didn't get tighter, did they? I mean, let's be honest, Jax, that isn't your hot, hard c**k pushing against my stomach right now, is it? Am I wrong? Is my dad more your thing? Is that what made you so f*****g hard?" He glances up at her. He can't do this. Letting go, he turns and walks out. "That's it, Jax, run away. Keep running because soon, when you run to me, I will say no." His body stops at the door. Melodie smiles, feeling like she has won. His eyes close as he shakes his head and opens the door, walking out. He needs to just stay away, far away from her. He can't give her what she wants and craves. He is married to Roxanne, and Melodie wouldn't settle for just being his submissive. Hell, she couldn't be a submissive anyway.
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