The Club

660 Words
Climbing in his car, he pulls out of the garden and speeds off. This weekend will be dull. Roxanne is at her parents so he is alone. He drives to the familiar building. Walking in as always, he is greeted with nothing but smiles and warm welcomes. He stalks to the bar and orders a drink, his head shaking as he downs it. "You look worse than usual man, you okay?" Jax turns to face Lucas. "You were here? What the f**k, Lucas! Melodie is sitting waiting for you at home! I told her you were due back in the country this morning." Jax shakes his head. He went straight to check on Melodie when he got back three days ago, but he knew Lucas wasn't back until this morning. "I spoke to her. She has plans tonight and told me not to waste my time going home. Apparently, things are getting more serious with that Jake guy." Jax looks at Lucas. He thought he had scared him off. "And you're not stopping it?" Jax stares at him shocked, as Lucas shakes his head. "She will get hurt, Lucas. That's your f*****g daughter!" He laughs and nods at Jax, which only irritates him more. "And she will heal. Come on, Jax. I have been chasing away guys for years. All it's done is make me hurt her. Maybe having her heart broken by a guy who just wants to f**k her will help make her see that her wild nights out hoping she finds love won't work." Jax stares at him. How could he be so cold? "You would honestly just sit here, knowing that tonight he will be f*****g her, only to walk away straight after and never call her again? That's your damn daughter, Lucas." Lucas nods, laughing. "I will because I know Melodie, Jax. When it comes to her seeing him in the street after he ignores her, she will have his balls as earrings. She isn't a weak girl, you know that, Jax." He does, but the thought of her crying, hurting, rips his heart open. "So, what's up with you anyway?" Lucas moves and sits next to him, Jax shaking his head. Like he can tell him. "The usual: can't find the right submissive for me." Lucas smiles at Jax as he nods. "Speaking of submissives, I should go find my little pet. I have left her alone for a little longer than I wanted." He turns and walks away. Jax looks out onto the dance floor, his eyes observing the women as they dance, slowly walking towards them. He stops, his gaze settling on a woman dancing. "Let me guess, black leather skirt?" Jax turns to the familiar sound of Alex. He looks at him, confused by his words. "Come on, Jax, your submissives, they all look alike. Whoever you're trying to get out of your head won't disappear like that. f**k her, whoever the lass is, and get her out of your head. These copycats won't solve your problem." Jax feels his jaw clench. He would never just f**k Melodie and walk. He wouldn't even f**k her. That damn kiss has been eating at him all night. He ignores Alex and walks towards the dance floor, his finger beckoning the woman towards him. He watches as her hips swing slowly and she moves gracefully to him. "Lovely to see you, Jax." She smiles at him, her hand going into his as he leads her through the building back to one of the rooms. He knows this won't solve the feelings inside him, but it will dull them for now. He knows he has to stay away from Melodie, and he is sure he can. He will go on missions, come back and stay the hell out of her life unless it was needed or he was at the house to see Lucas. Even then, he won't stay in a room alone with her.
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