Words Of Fire

1354 Words

The house looks quiet. He walks in, and all the lights are off. Walking around, he checks the rooms. Melodie is nowhere to be seen. Taking out his phone, he calls her. He hears the ringing in the kitchen. Walking back down, he walks in and sees Melodie's phone on the table. There are only three places she would be. Leaving, he gets in the car and drives to the dance club. Getting out, he walks towards the door. She shouldn't be here, not now, not until her head is in the right space to think. Walking to the door, he watches as it is opened for him. He walks in, scanning the room. There's no one on the stage. The cheering is loud as he walks further in. His eyes catch sight of Melodie. Her body is wrapped around a guy as she dances on his lap. His body moves towards her. He told her to sta

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