13 - Frayed

1373 Words

Katerina The following morning I was relieved to find my door was unlocked. I jumped when Zander was leaning in the hallway, almost blending in the the shadows. His eyes roamed over me appreciatively, as if he could see everything. He stopped on the swell of my b.reasts. I flushed, heat from anger, and something else colored my cheeks. I wanted to ask who he thought he was? I wanted to tell him not to dare look at me like that with so much f.ucking l.udeness…But he was my…my owner. I crossed my arms over my chest, reeling in my b.ite, and huffed, “How long have you been there?” He shrugged and peeled himself off the wall, walking in stride next to me. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “Escorting you to breakfast.” “What a gentleman.” I snorted. “I do remember the way.” “But

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