14 - Lie to Yourself—Not me

2102 Words

Katerina Lunch and dinner were in the small kitchen, laid out for me before I arrived. I didn’t see Jude or Zander again that day. For the next few days, I only saw Zander and breakfast. Jude would occasionally accompany me for lunch or dinner. And each day that passed was worse. Zander “Her uncle is demanding we meet,” I told Jude. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to keep up with me as we headed to my office. “That isn’t unexpected.” “No.” “When does he want to meet? What does he want?” I glared at him. “Okay, besides her. I meant, what does he want to give you, give us?” he asked as we entered my office. “He didn’t say. He sent a goddess d.amned letter.” I pulled it from my pocket and s.lammed it on the desk with as much f.orce as I could. Jude read it over a few tim

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