
1175 Words

***JASMINE'S POV*** Hannah's eyes were filled with disbelief and hurt. I was clearly flustered, trying to come up with an explanation. "I don't know how that got there," I defended, my words coming out in a rush. "I swear I didn't steal your watch. I don't know how it ended up in my bag." But Hannah wasn't convinced. "You're a thief," she snapped, her voice hardening. "Wait, I have something to say," said a quiet voice from the corner of the room. We all turned to see one of the other students, a shy girl named Sarah, standing up. "I'm the one who took the watch," she confessed, her voice shaking. "I'm so sorry. I was planning on giving it back, but then I got scared and I put it in Jasmine's bag. I never meant to hurt anyone." My eyes widened in shock, while Hannah looked equally s

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