The New Guy

1198 Words
***JASMINE'S POV*** I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My stepdad wanted me to be in a relationship with him, and he was using my s*x tape as blackmail. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to do this, but I couldn't let my mom find out about the tape. I had to protect her, no matter what. "I can't do this," I firmly replied, my voice shaking slightly. "I don't want to be in a relationship with you. I can't." My stepdad smiled, a cruel, twisted smile. "You don't have a choice," he replied. I felt like I was trapped, like there was no way out. I knew I couldn't tell my mom about the tape, so I had to do what my stepdad wanted. I felt sick to my stomach, but I knew I had to protect my mom. "I'll do it," I responded, my voice barely above a whisper. "But you have to promise to leave my mom alone. You can't hurt her." My stepdad nodded. "I promise," he said. But I could tell that he didn't mean it. I knew that he was only saying what I wanted to hear. I woke up with a start, the previous night's events still fresh in my mind. I couldn't believe what had happened, what I had agreed to. I got ready for school, my mind racing. I didn't know how I was going to face my stepdad, or my mom. I felt like a fraud, like I was betraying them both. I packed my bag and headed downstairs, my heart pounding. I didn't know what the day would bring, but I knew it would be difficult. As I came out of the house, I saw Sean standing by the door, his backpack slung over his shoulder. He looked at me, his expression unreadable as usual. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, what he was feeling. I just wanted to get away from him, to put as much distance between us as possible. But then my mom came up behind me, offering to drive us both to school. I tried to protest, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Sean politely declined, saying he had already arranged to meet a friend. I stepped into the school, I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. I tried to ignore it, to push it down. I just wanted to get through the day, to get it over with. But I knew that it wouldn't be easy. I just hoped that I could get through it without any problems. As I walked down the hall, I heard someone call my name. I turned, and saw my friend Sarah coming towards me. She was smiling, her eyes bright. "Hey there," she greeted, linking her arm through mine. "What's up?" "Did you hear about the new student?" Sarah immediately ask, her voice full of excitement. "Apparently, he's super hot. All the girls are swooning over him." I felt my stomach twist into a knot. I didn't want to hear about some new guy, about how all the girls were fawning over him. I just wanted to be left alone. "I'm not really interested in gossip," I informed her, trying to keep my voice neutral. "I'm just here to focus on my studies." Sarah looked at me, a little hurt. "Oh, come on, Jasmine," Sarah urged, her voice pleading. "Just hear me out. You might like this one. His name is James, and he's a transfer student from another state. He's tall, dark, and handsome, with the most gorgeous eyes. And he's super smart, too. I heard he aced his placement tests." I tried to hide my annoyance. I didn't want to hear about this guy, I just wanted to get to class. But Sarah was relentless. "He's in your math class," she quickly added, her voice growing more excited. I felt a sense of dread wash over me. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck in a class with some guy who was the subject of all the latest gossip. I was already having a hard enough time without that added complication. "Do you think he'll sit next to me?" I asked, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Sarah laughed, but I could tell she didn't think it was funny. "I'm sure he'd be lucky to sit next to you," she replied, a little defensively. I sat down in my usual seat, trying to focus on my textbook. But I couldn't help but feel a sense of dread as I waited for the class to start. And then, he walked in. The new guy. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He walked with confidence, taking a seat right next to me and the other girls sharply glaring at me. I felt my heart start to race, and I tried to calm my breathing. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing how he affected me. But I couldn't help but feel a little intrigued by him. I held my breath as Sean suddenly approached the new guy. I didn't know what he was going to say, and I was worried that he would cause a scene. "Hey," Sean snapped, his voice low and menacing. "That's my seat." The new guy looked up at him, his expression impassive. "Is it?" he asked, his voice calm and even. "Yeah, it is," responded said, his voice growing louder. "So move." The new guy didn't say anything, just looked at Sean for a moment. I watched as the new guy got up and moved to another seat. I was both relieved and confused. Why had Sean lied about the seat? And why was he so intent on sitting next to me? I didn't understand, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. The class began, and I tried to focus on the lesson. But I couldn't help but feel the tension in the room, the silent battle between the new guy and Sean. It was like a storm was brewing, and I was caught in the middle of it. After classes, the new guy approached me, asking for my name and number. I wasn't sure what to say, so I just stammered out a response. But before I could say anything more, Sean was there. "You need to back off," he warned, his voice low and threatening. "She's not interested in you." "You don't know that," the new guy said, his voice calm and controlled. "She hasn't even had a chance to speak for herself." "She won't say anything contrary to what I've said, let her be." Sean replied. I was fed up of Sean acting all bossy towards me. What dose he think he is? Dose he owns me? Why is he suddenly acting like a protective older brother? I thought to myself. "I'll tell you my name and number." I said to the new guy. "You wouldn't dare!" Sean yelled. "Of course I will, you don't own me." I swiftly added. And with that, the new guy held my hand and led me out of the class leaving everyone in ewe.
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