Birthday party

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Hardin Castillo * * An awkward silence follows, and I stared blankly at Kim confused about what to say to her Hardin! talk to me , who the hell is Hazel ? She asked with a grimacing face , I could tell she was still in pain and I heaved a sigh She is a friend. I simply answered , getting off the bed A friend! Don't f*****g lie to me Castillo , why the hell will you call the name of a friend when making love to me ! She retorted angrily and I scoffed I didn't make love you Kim, I screwed You . I corrected, I couldn't believe she was still arguing with me despite the way I screwed her hard What!She exclaimed in shock Yes Kim, but why are you even getting work up over this! It was all a game from the beginning and you knew about it !!! Having said that , I pulled out a new brief from the wardrobe and went over to the bathroom to clean up and on returning to the room, I found Kim going through my phone What the f**k! I rushed to her and snatched it away from her She scoffed , Are you screwing your maid also!..... wait! her name is Hazel right ! oh my gawd! So she is the one you are in love with I am not in love with any one! I blurted out as she laughed bitterly Then why is her picture saved as your wall paper! She half yelled and I bit at my lower lips this is the exact reason why I don't allow people go through my phone! Why Hardin! She repeated as tears rolled down her eyes and that was it, She got me there and I felt a bit contrite Sitting on the bed , i pulled to me and held her as she wept in my arms Don't hurt me Hardin. She said , whimpering as she cried And without saying anything , I patted her at her back absentmindedly as my mind was filled up with the thoughts of Hazel .... How is she feeling now! Has she stop crying! Is she alright! I pray she is....... Hardin! Kim called snapping me out of my thoughts and I slowly shifted my gaze to her I need to go bath. She said softly and I nodded slowly She pulled out from the hug, got off the bed and limped all the way to the bathroom I watched her go and sighed She will hurt herself real bad if she keep on coming closer to me !!! * Laying on the bed , I reached for the television remote and changed the channel to a reality show program .. I leaned my head a pillow and was about dozing off when Kim returned to the room, limping She went over to my wardrobe and on opening it , she exclaimed in surprise Are you running a boutique ? She asked , turning to face me as I huffed Pick whatever you want and get the hell out of there! I retorted, I really hate people going through my stuffs ..... Alright! She said , pulling out a light blue pyjamas which she hurriedly put on and then joined me on the bed ..... Good night Castillo . She bade , trying to lay her head on my chest but i quickly turned my face to the wall But why? She asked softly I don't cuddle women! I simply stated But you cuddled Hazel. My subconsciousness reminded Yes , that is because she is different! I fired back at it ............... * * The Next morning * * The sound of voices disrupted my sleep and I opened my eyes to see Richard , Steve and a girl I recognised as Kimberly's friend in the room I widened my eyes in surprise What are they all doing here? Sitting up on the bed , the sound of "Happy birthday filled the air" Oh right! It is my 18th birthday But how did they get in here! who brought them in here! And as it reading my thoughts, Steve said Your mum is the nicest woman I have ever seen ; on telling her we are your closest pals, she showed us the way to your room I scoffed silently , that woman is a pain in the neck !!! Glancing at the wall clock , it was 12:00 pm What the f**k! Since when were you guys here? I threw the question to no one in particular Ehm let's say around 11: 30? the girl answered and I shifted my attention to her , seizing her up She was dressed in a pink bikini and I was left wondering why ! But why didn't you wake me up ? I continued , facing Richard who was seated beside me on the bed Kimberly told us not to , she said something about you having series of night mares over the night . he explained and I cursed silently That loud mouthed b***h! Just then Kimberly limped out of the bathroom also wearing a bikini but hers was a green one You really drilled the hell of her! Richard said in whispers as I stared at her , smiling Good morning .. oh!! I mean afternoon! She greeted with a smile as my eyes roamed all over her sexy ... no , she was no longer sexy to me, she was a f*****g cunt Afternoon!! And why are you girls dressed up in a Bikini? I asked , looking at the other girl and then back at her That is because your birthday is a pool party ? She answered and that was then I heard a faint music playing from only god knows where .... Getting off the bed , I looked out of the window to the pool area and yes, it was filled with people some of who I don't even know My mum is really Amazing! Speaking of her , where could she be ? I looked around and sighted her at a far side in the pool house talking in whispers to Rebecca and ...... Hazel Staring at Hazel, my heart raced and that was when I realised how much I needed her , how much I wanted her ....... Hardin! Richard called snapping me out of my thoughts and I turned around to face him , leaning on the wall C"mom man go freshen up so we can all downstairs to have fun. he stated but I shook my head I ain't going no where! But why? he asked, exchanging look with Steve That is because I don't feel like. I simply answered and he scoffed You are crazy man!how can you stay indoor on your birthday, Are you a recluse? he asked but I ignored him , staring out of the window again and what I saw made me have a rethink Right beside the pool , a guy was trying to hit on my girl ... did I just call me her my girl!... well! She is my personal maid so she belongs to me ..... * And without saying anything to the guys, I pulled off my shirt and all except Kimberly stared in awe at the ink on my chest Wow! I never knew you got tattoos! Steve the "lousy one" stated Now you know! I muttered , walking over to the bathroom Diane and I will head down first! I heard Kimberly say Diane! how can an ugly girl bear such a cool name! I thought within....... * When I was done bathing, I returned to the room to see Steve going through my book shelves he picked up a manuscript but before he could open it , I rushed to drag it from him but I was too late , he already saw the title of the book Mona Adventure! Why are you with the original copy of the book?he asked , staring at me with a confused look It is not the original copy . I lied , keeping the manuscript back in its place What book is that ?Richard joined in the conversation Are you for real! Haven't you heard about the kid series which was written by a kid writer from London , the one who started writing stories at the age of seven but went to prison at the age of fourteen for a crime the press refused to disclose. Steve said in a rush and I felt my heart thudding heavily Erm what is his name again ? erm erm Winthrop....: Shut up! I barked at him before he could complete the name and he shot me a puzzled look Are you alright man? he asked, staring at me intently as I huffed Don't ever go touchy with my things again . I warned , boiling in rage and he swallowed hard, keeping mute I was trying so hard to hold my anger! Now I fully understand the reason why my dad said Jayden Winthrop is all messed up and yes , he is right about it! my birth name is all messed up .........I never even knew the book got to America... well no ones knows the face of the writer since I was a pseudonym( hid my identity because of my age and is only recognised by my name) * Putting on my clothes, the memory of those terrible days flashed on , the days in handcuffs, the days of appearing in court , the days of being treated like a f*****g criminal, the days i longed for my mother who was never there.... Damn! I really had a messy life! * * Hazel Dakota * * Standing beside the pool, I stared in awe at the young teenage girls as they wriggled their body to the rhythm of the music playing I smiled lightly, how I wish I could be happy like them!!!! But where is the celebrant! why isn't he down yet! oh yeah! I bet he is upstairs screwing his girlfriend just like the way he did last night Her loud moans kept on torturing me as l laid on the big bed that I immediately regretted sending Hardin out of the room... * On glancing at my wristwatch, it was 13:59 pm Pheeew! I need to get ready to leave for home , Mike will be picking me by 18:00pm and I want to be fully ready before he comes .... Leaving the pool area, I walked slowly to the sitting room lost in my own thoughts when I suddenly bumped into someone I am sorry . I quickly apologised, meeting the gaze of the person and lol and behold , it was the beautiful b***h , Hardin's girlfriend Are you blind! didn't you see me ? She fired at me as I scoffed Are you blind also! Didn't you see me ? I fired back at her and in what seems like a flash , she dragged me by hair and shove me to the ground Ouuh! I winced in pain as my buttocks hit the ground And in rage , I stood up in a huff and flew at her , threatening to scratch her eyes out Let go of me! let go of me! Let go of me! Let go of me! She kept on screaming as I gave her punches but I did not budge , I had really wanted to hit her hard for all the pain she has unknowingly caused me and she just made it easier by picking up a fight with me ....... With my hands still balled into a fist , I was about giving her the fifth punch when someone caught my hand I quickly turned to look to meet the gaze of Hardin I was paralysed to the spot , what will happen! Will he hit me back for hurting his girlfriend! his eyes was fixed on Kimberly and when his gaze finally landed on me , I clearly saw the anger in his eyes I closed my eyes expecting him to hit me but he didn't , instead he pulled me up from "his girlfriend" and held me to him .... Are you alright? he asked calmly and I nodded slowly, opening my eyes Are you sure? did she hurt you ? he asked in a rush, staring down at my face and that was when I noticed he was wearing an earring...... I wanted to scold him about it but no, he is not my boyfriend and who knows his beautiful girlfriend might like it on him ...... Just then , i heard someone yell my name and i looked in the direction to see his mother walking towards us Shit! I quickly pulled away the hug and rushed to her What the hell happened? She asked , staring intently at me I got into a fight but she attacked first . I answered truthfully She looked at the girl who was now on her feet and then back at me as she sighed I believe you Hazel . She stated and my eyes widened in surprise I thought she hates me!!! So are you passing the night here or will you still be attending the party you told me about? It is not a party ma, it is a dinner date . I corrected and it was her turn to be surprised Dinner date! She repeated and I nodded Oh! erm if that is the case , send me your bank details so I can transfer you your wages . I don't have bank details . I answered truthfully Oh! She exclaimed softly Opening her purse , she brought out two $200 note and handed it to me This is the only cash I have on me right now and since you don't have an account, I will give you the balance on Monday Alright ma! I said , looking around for Hardin and saw him talking angrily to a boy on red.... but wait a minute! Isn't that the boy who was trying to hit on me!!! What business do they have together!.... well it is none of my business! I waved it off with a shrug * Climbing up the stairs to my room , I pushed the door opened and walked in I pulled off the blue faded gown I was wearing and rushed into the bathroom to freshen up, I returned to the room when I was done and hurriedly dressed up in the same white gown that got stained Putting on my sandals, I picked up my already packed hand bag along with my phone and then scurried all the way out of the house..... * I made a quick stop at the mall to get a gown for the erm uhm .... what should I even call it ? yes , the date before flagging down a taxi to my home The drive to my home was a fast one and I got home just in time to see Alexia and my mom about to leave the house Hi mum! I greeted lazily as I hugged her Baby! She called , pulling out from the hug to stare at my face how are .... she suddenly stopped and her smiling face was replaced with a worried one , Hazel why are you looking so pale?Are you sick ? Are you alright? She asked in a rush Yes mum I am very much okay . I assured her as Alexia huffed Don't baby her mom , she already has a "baby", the Castillo boy . She said with an eye roll and I froze hearing the name "Castillo boy "was enough to remind me of the pains , the sleepless night I had picturing the image of him and " his girlfriend on bed" Are you alright Hazel? My mom asked with the same worried look as I collapsed on the Sofa Yes!!i grunted Are you sure? Did the Castillo boy hurt you? she asked, sitting on a low stool in front of me and that was it , I could not hold back any longer and broke down in tears Hazel please talk to me . She said softly I love him mom ! I blurted out and she shot me a confused look Love who? Mike! Alexia butted in but I shook my head Not Mike , Hardin Castillo. I corrected and Alexia let out a surprise scream Hardin Castillo!the teenage boy! hell no Sis , he is way too young for you!! Enough with that Alexia! .....Go wait for me outside. My mom instructed and she Alexia dragged her feet out of the house , murmuring........: * first of all, you need to take a deep breath baby. my Mum said , gesturing at me and I did Good! Now tell me , how old is the boy ? she started He just turned 18 today . I answered and she tilted her head sideways as if trying to think Well!.. uhm ...... the age gap is not really much.she said and my eyes lit up Really! Sure, but what about him , does he share this same feelings with you? No mum. I answered sadly and she sighed And he already has a girlfriend. I quickly added Oh baby! she exclaimed softly, pulling me into a hug as she encouraged me to cry out my pain which I gladly did I was so lucky to have a mother who understands me, a mother who listens to me when I am down!! Thanks mum. I said in between sobs and she nodded slowly......: * We stayed like that for about 15 minutes; then she pulled out of the hug and stood up I have an appointment with the doctor, will you like to go with us? she asked softly No mom , I have a date this evening. I answered trying to force a smile but it came out awfully wrong....' Date! With who? She asked ,confusedly Mike! I simply answered But how is that possible! I mean why will you go on a date with mike when your heart is somewhere else..... I remained quiet for a while wondering if I should talk to her about it Hazel! She called me out of my thoughts and I sighed Fine! Fine! Fine! I want to use him to forget about Hardin . I told her and she shot me a weird look like I was some horror movie That is not right and you should also consider the fact that Mike is a good friend to you . She advised and that was it , I stood up in a huff and yelled the word "I don't care" before stomping into my room .... And yes , I really don't care what anyone says , I am going along with my decision..... Glancing at the wall clock , it was 16:00 pm Wow! how time flies, still got rough two hours to get ready I kicked off my sandals and collapsed on the bed as my mind drifted off to Hardin Can I ever stop loving him? * * Hardin Castillo * * Sitting in the midst of "my friends" , I reached for the bottle of vodka and was about gulping it down when Richard caught my hands What are you doing man? this is the third bottle you are taking this evening. he queried and I scoffed Mind you f*****g business! I retorted, freeing my hand from his grip ; then gulped the drink down But Hardin you really need to cool off , why are you even acting this way? Because she is not f*****g here! I answered in a huff Who? he asked , exchanging glances with Steve who immediately looked away he was probably still sulking!!!! Hazel! I simply answered And who is that? he asked with an arched eyebrow His maid . a guy seated on the next table butted in And without thinking, I rushed to him and held him tightly by his collar You are drunk Castillo! he said with a nervous chuckle and I smirked Now let me show you what being drunk feels like! Balling my fingers into a fist , I started throwing punches at him without minding the scene I was already causing He tried to fight back but he was clearly not a match for me How dare you call Hazel a maid! I yelled and was about to punch him when I felt a hand hug me from behind Fuck off! I yelled No baby , I won't ! a familiar voice said and without turning to look , I knew it was my mum Please stop ! She pleaded with a trembling voice, I could tell she was about to cry This is bull s**t! You are lucky my mum was here just in time to save your ass . I said in whispers to the boy before letting go of him...... Thanks baby! my mum muttered as I turned around to face her Where is Hazel! Why is she not here ! or did you ask her not to attend my birthday again? I asked , biting at her upper lips. No son! I will never do that , she went home to get ready for a dinner date . She explained and I heard a very loud bang in my head A strange feeling swell up in me and I felt so ... jealous Dinner date! no it can't be , it really can't be ! Why the hell does she stays? I yelled to no one in particular Harmony block , her house is close to my father's mansion . Steve answered and then faced Richard The cottage house , remember? he asked Richard who just nodded Good! Where the f**k is my car keys ! I muttered, searching through my pocket And what do you need it for ? My mum asked with a curious look Isn't it obvious, I am going to stop her, she isn't going to any f*****g date ! I retorted angrily But you can't drive in your drunken state ! She queried Don't worry ma, I will drive him there . Richard said and I shot him a grateful look.... * * Richard kept on asking me silly questions as he drove me to Hazel's home but I ignored him as I was trying to think but couldn't , my head was all messed up The drink really took a toll on me but I was not drunk , only tipsy Talk to me man, Are you in a relationship with the girl! Do you love her? he repeated his questions and I sighed I don't know! What do you mean by you don't know! You fought with a guy because of her! you took side with her in the fight with Kim! You even held her to yourself when the girl you screwed just last night was still sprawled up on the floor! ... and speaking of Kim!did you see the look on her face when you kept on mentioning Hazel , she was clearly hurt .... I know man and I am so damn confused ! I stated So what do you intend doing about Kim? he continued Nothing except to severe all ties with her but if she keeps on seducing me; then I will keep on f*****g her........ he laughed, You are so crazy Hardin! * * We soon got to a small house and he parked out in front I looked at the house and then back at him Is this her house? I asked to be sure and I nodded Impossible! I never really expected this ..... Wait for me in the car . I instructed and he rolled his eyes Sure! a live p**n might happen in there and I don't want to get spoilt. he drawled Ignoring his mocking remarked, I alighted from the car and walked to the front door, knocking on it Coming! a voice answered and I smiled knowing it was Hazel I heard quick footsteps and in what seems like forever, the door opened to reveal a completely different Hazel She was dressed up in a long strapless red slanted gown and she was so damn beautiful Wow! was the only thing I said as I was lost staring at her Hardin! What are you doing here Hardin? She asked with surprise written all over her face Won't you at least invite me in before you start your questioning. I said , as my eyes roamed all over her body She was quiet for a while and then sighed Fine! Come in! She agreed, opening the door wider and i walked in too see a sitting room with old worn out furnitures You can have your seat . She offered, pointing to one of the " one of the old worn sofa" and I did So why are you here? She started , sitting on a stool in front of me I don't want you going to that damn date . I answered bluntly and she scoffed Are you for real! Is that why you came all the way down here! And tell me , why shouldn't I go on a date with my boyfriend? She asked rushingly and my heart skipped a bit Boyfriend! Did she just say boyfriend! Then if you have got a boyfriend, then why did you kiss me ? I fired at her That is none of your business Castillo! She retorted , standing up in a huff and I did the same Really! Are you trying to say you are also a w***e? I said trying to get to her for hurting my feelings and it worked, she flared up Don't you ever call me a w***e because I am not one Obviously. I thought within You are the one who goes around sleeping and flirting with any sexy thing on skirt! You are the one who brings a shameless b***h to f**k throughout the night! You are the one who tags a kiss directly from the heart "as Just a kiss "! You are the one who...... she stopped and broke down in tears I stood transfixed on the spot watching her cry as I also listened to the sound of my heart beating why do you keep on hurting me! Why do you keep on tormenting me! She yelled and that was it , I couldn't take it any longer , I pulled her to me and hug her tightly Let go of me! Please let go of me! She pleaded , trying to wriggle herself out of my hold but I held her even more tightly No I won't , I will never let you go . I said in whispers and to my surprise, she became calm Pulling out of the hug , I stared into her beautiful face her makeup was already soiled up with her tears but she still looked pretty!!!!! What are you doing to me Hardin! She murmured but I heard her clearly and I chuckled I should be the one asking you that , what are you doing to me Hazel? I asked as she fixed her gaze on my lips , swallowing hard Cupping her cheeks, I bent my head a little; placing my lips on hers as I kissed her deeply.. Haardin! She breathe into my mouth as she returned the kiss Her lips was so soft that even if I kissed her continuously for a hundred years , I would never get tired....... Just then we had a loud gasped and she pulled out of the kiss , her eyes widening in shock as she fixed her gaze to the entrance of the door Mike! I heard her called I quickly turned to look in the direction and met the gaze of the very last person I ever wanted to see again ......... Austin! I called in surprise he looked at Hazel and then back at me Jay! he called back with disbelief written all over his face * * TBC
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