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Hardin Castillo * * Shadows crawled over the world around me , and the tension in the air was thick , the heat filling the empty spaces between Austin and I I was paralysed to the spot , the menacing aura holding me in a tightening grip But why is he here! Who is he to Hazel! Mike, why the hell did she address him as Mike! Did he change his name ! Jay! he called again as I took a deep breathe and let it out slowly Opening my mouth , I tried to say something but couldn't find my voice I was confused and scared at the same time! What is going on here? Do you both know each other? Hazel asked , looking at me and then at him Erm yes Hazel , we used to be friends back in London . he answered letting out a nervous chuckle and I scoffed silently Friends!did he just that! how dare he lie to my face! but what is it with the names! ..... I mean why did you address him as Jay and who the hell Is Austin? She continued with a confused look It is just an Alias ! Austin lied, glancing at me as I stared blankly at him..... I was too nervous to say or think about anything, I wanted to run away from here as fast as possible but hell no, I can't leave Hazel with this bastard Oh I see! I heard her say as she flashed the "bastard" a smile Did she just smile at him! what exactly is the relationship between them? or wait a minute! Is he her date! I wondered and that was when I noticed the way the was dressed Damn! this is really not going to end well . So Are you ready for the date? he asked as his eyes roamed all over her body and that was it ,the anxiety in me turned to anger and I flared up ..... Are you blind! Didn't you just see us kiss! or are you too dumb to know what that means! I half yelled, shooting daggers at him and he seemed taken aback a bit; then quickly composed himself So? Do you think I will let a mere kiss get to me! he retorted in a huff and then faced Hazel again Are you ready? he repeated but this around his lip were quavering and trembling I slowly shifted my gaze to Hazel to see her staring at me, and from the look in her eyes, I could tell she was confused Will you go with him ? I asked calmly her blue eyes bore into mine and I saw the tears filling in her eyes , it was as if she was pleading with me not to hurt her !!!!! Ignoring my question , she heaved a sigh and then faced Austin or should I say Mike I am sorry Mike but I don't think I can't do this!!! But why? he asked with disbelief written all over his face Because I am ..erm because I am in love with Hardin . She stated and my heart stopped beating Love! Did she just say she love me! This is bullshit Hazel! how is that possible! Jay erm I mean Hardin is still a f*****g under age kid ! Austin retorted in an huff No, he isn't underage , he is an eighteen year old adult . She corrected with a yell and I let out a long deep audible breathe I never knew I was holding And even if he is still an underage , I will still choose him because I love him . She added Haz! That is enough, you don't have to spell it out! I butted in and Austin scoffed Stay out of this! And why would I! You heard what she said right, she wants me and not you! I retorted with pride as he glared at me We really need to talk! he said gritting his teeth , I could tell he was trying so hard to control his anger ...... I know! I simply answered bringing out his wallet from his pocket , he opened it and brought out a square like paper Here! he said , handing the paper to me I stared at it and the anxiety returned It was his business card with his number boldly written on it What should I do with it? I asked , trying to calm down my panic Call me tomorrow by this time if you don't want me to do anything stupid . he threatened and stormed out of the house ........ My whole body suddenly felt weak and I had to collapse on the sofa to stop myself from falling Hardin! Are you alright? Hazel asked, sitting beside me and I nodded slowly Are you sure!Is it because of Mike! Don't take his words seriously , he is only being Jealous. She said in a rush and I sighed She really doesn't know who he is !!!! For how long have you been friends with him? I asked , wanting to more about their friendship and she shrugged Uhm... uhm .. for about two years , we do work together not until I got fired Oh! And what kind of work is that? As an attendant in a mall. She answered and I huffed So the Almighty "Austin" can work in a mall " But why are you asking? She retorted Nothing! I just want to know and also , do me a favour and please stay away from him . I pleaded and she shot me a surprise look Why!! Because I don't don't want him near you . I simply answered She stared at me for a while and then smirked Are you jealous! This is not about me being jealous, just do as I say .... Having said that , I stood up and pulled her to me Thanks for standing up for me Haz. I said softly and saw her face flushed Erm .. erm .. it is nothing, I just feel it is the right thing to do ..... Cupping her cheeks , I stared into her face as I wondered about what she said about loving me !!! Should I be happy about that! Is it a good thing for her loving me! Can I even handle it! What if I end up breaking her! I sighed softly, I guess I should just go with the flow Just then , my phone rang and on checking the caller , it was Richard Shit!!I completely forgot about him I need to be on my way Haz! I said to her and she nodded Alright!see you on Monday . She bade with a large smile Kissing her on her lips briefly, i scurried out of the house and got to the car just in time to hear a little girl yell at Richard What is going on here? I asked, looking at the girl and then at Richard It is this little kid , she wants to know why I parked in front of her house.he drawled and I chuckled I shifted my gaze to the girl and that was when I saw the keen resemblance between she and Hazel Oh! You must be Hazel little sister, right? I asked , staring at her And who are you? She fired at me and I chuckled Pardon my manners Ma'am, I am Hardin ....,,, Castillo . She completed as her eyes widened in surprise Yes, Castillo. I repeated Wow! Wow! Wow! So if I am not mistaken, you came over here just to see my sister? She asked picking her words and I nodded slowly Oh! Does that mean you like her too? She continued as her light brown eyes bore deeply into mine and I nodded absentmindedly Those eyes of hers were damn familiar , I was so sure I have seen it before, but where? I tilted my head as I tried to remember and just then , the memories of my night mares flashed on and yes , the little girl standing in front of me has the same brown eyes with the man in my night mares!!!! No it can't be! It must be a mere coincidence. I thought within as I waved it off So what is your name? I asked and she cleared her throat before answering I am Alexia!!! Oh Alexia, it is really nice meeting you , we will get to see some other time . I said , opening the car door as I got into Alright Hardin! She bade and without wasting time, Richard started the car and drove off ....... * * Hazel Dakota * * Laying on the bed, I listened to Alexia as she gosh over Hardin Jeez! I never knew he was so cute , I can now see the reason why you are head over heels with him and guess what! he said he likes you too ..... I know Alexia, you have told me for the umpteenth time today . I reminded, trying so hard not to burst in my own excitement Did I? she asked , giving me a puzzled look which she quickly replaced with a grin.... I guess I am just too happy! So tell me , what was Mike reaction when he saw both of you together!!! I shrugged, he didn't do anything, he just gave Hardin his card and then walked out of the house in anger ! Hardin! card! But why! Did he plan on beating him up? She asked with an arched eyebrow and I chuckled Hell no! They were friends back in London so I believe he wants them to make up for lost time. I said , contemplating Funny!Mike is much older than Hardin so what kind of "friendship relationship" could they possibly share . She drawled Just then , my phone rang and I reached for it ;on checking the caller , it was an unsaved number I received it hello Haz! a familiar voice rang through and I smiled Hardin!!!! Yeah! how are you? I got your number from my mum so I could call you Thanks. I simply said I called to check on you and lest I forget, this is my number so save it Alright, I will surely do that , Good night Hardin !!! Good night Haz. he said and ended the call... Staring at the phone , i kissed it before placing it back on the drawer Hardin likes me, he cares for me! I thought about his sexy lips on mine , the hot kiss we shared and soon drowse off to sleep......... * * Hardin Castillo * * The next day being Sunday was one hell of a day for me as I spent more than half of it staring at the card Austin gave to me and also at the same time wondering what I should do with it ... Should I call him like he instructed me too or should I simply ignore him! No way! Austin is a beast and will surely find me ! But why is he even here at Tacoma! Why did he change his name! or is he scared that I might tell out the secret ...... damn! This is all bull s**t!!! * And with a sigh, I Picked up my phone from the table beside the bed, typed in his number and then dialled it It rang through out but there was no response as he didn't pick up I dialled it again and this time around, he picked on the second ring Hello! his baritone voice rang through and I exhaled deeply Hi Austin! I greeted and he scoffed You bastard! Why did you keep me waiting or do you think I don't know where to find you. he slurred, I could tell he was a bit drunk Why do you want you to meet? I asked , ignoring his insults Isn't it obvious, we have lot of things to talk about! Fine!so where should we meet? I asked after giving it some thoughts Fox strip bar! he answered And where is that? how will I get there? It is at south Tacoma and your car GPS navigator will help . he answered dryly and then hung up the call South Tacoma, that is roughly two hours drive from here!!! Glancing at the huge wall clock on the wall, it was already past 5 This is all f****d up! And in a rush, I got off the bed , changed my clothes, put on leather boots, picked up my car keys along with my phone ; then headed down the stairs.... I got to the sitting room just in time to hear my mom and a man on black suit talk about a WILL And on seeing me, my mom flashed me a smile as she gestured me to come closer and when I did , she introduced the man to me He is the Castillo family lawyer! She said So? I asked , looking at the man and then back at her She chuckled nervously obviously embarrassed with my rude manners Erm as you know , your grandfather WILL all of his properties to you and now you are eighteen, I believe this it is only right for me to hand them fully to you I huffed , is this the reason why you delayed me ! Delayed! Are you going somewhere? She asked , seizing me up Yes! I answered and walked out of the sitting room , ignoring her as she called me name repeatedly.... * Getting to the garage, I opened the car door and got into the car; oning the home screen of the car , I opened the goggle map and searched for my destination and it soon brought it out , marking a red dot on it Following the red dot , I drove off heading to South Tacoma .... * * When I arrived at South Tacoma , it was already dark I parked the car in front of a cheap looking local bar "FOX strip bar" I read the inscription boldly written on the wall as I alighted from the car Of all places , why did he ask to meet here? With my hands deep in my pocket , I walked into the noisy bar to see hot naked girls dancing to a slow music sexily as drunk old men throws money at them ..... Austin Is really impossible! Looking around the jam-packed bar, I sighted him seated at the far right of the bar , his head was bent over and he appears to be drunk I walked over to him and sat down on a chair opposite his Austin! I called and when he raised his head to look at me, I saw the anger in his eyes It is Mike . he corrected, gritting his teeth and I exclaimed softly I can see you changed your name but the question is why? I asked but ignored the question with a wave of hand Let's talk about you , when did you leave the prison? ... I mean you were sentenced to 15years , how did you make it out so early ?he started and I scoffed Were you hoping I would die there! I retorted in a huff It wouldn't be a bad idea or what do you think! Bastard! I cursed at him as he shot me a glare You should be happy I am in a good mood today else I would have showed you how a real bastard act ! he half yelled and I laughed out bitterly And what is that! a threat! oh Mike, you are so funny! Do you still think of me as the little 14 year old who you can easily manipulate! do you still think of me as the kid who was so eager to join your gang! I fired at him, banging my fist on the table At least the gang gave you the comfort that your parent couldn't give you ! he slurred and took a sip of his drink before he continued It still seems like yesterday when I saw you wandering around the dangerous street of London in the wee hours of the night and on asking you why? you bluntly told me you ran away from home!! And I did that because i was too young to think . I retorted angrily but he shook his head No, you did that because you were tired of your boring life . he corrected and I bit at my upper lips knowing he was right! I embraced you , brought you into the gang , Drew the first ink on your chest , gave you your first girl and made you comfortable; that no matter how many times your parent forcefully took you away , you kept on returning because you were happy being in the gang....., Happy! Did you just say happy!you got it all wrong there,I kept on returning because of my addictions to drug and older women . I half yelled and in a flash , he stood up in a huff , rushed at me as he grabbed me up by my collar, pinning me to the wall ... Older women! Hun! Is that the reason why you are with Hazel! he yelled as he threw me a punch .. I tried to block it but couldn't as his grip on me was so tight , it landed on my nose and instantly, I felt the blood streaking down!! Stay away from Hazel or else ... he threatened and I scoffed I am sorry Mike but I can't stay away from her because she chose me over you . I stated trying to make him angrier and it worked he gave me a second punch and was about giving me a third one when I kicked hard on his groin Arrrgh! he groaned in pain as he released his hold on me..... Bastard! Bastard! he kept on screaming without minding the small crowd of people, watching us like we were some movie... Straightening my clothes, I picked up the car keys along with my phone and was about leaving when he said I will get back to you by drilling that cheap b***h you call a mother ! I tilted my head a little to be sure I heard right ; then slowly turned around to face him What did you just say? I asked calmly I said I will drill the hole of that cheap b***h you call a mother . he repeated and that was it, my anger took control of me as I picked a bottle from a table nearby and rushed to him, smashing it against his head but he was quick to block it Bastard! I cursed as I kicked him again on his groin Arrrrgh! he groaned , letting out a loud cry but I was still not satisfied so I decided to use my fist And with the rage boiling inside of me, I punched him hard and was about punching him for the second time when i heard the sound of the police siren ...... The screams of "The police is here" filled the air as everyone ran hectar skelter but I was just to angry to care as I kept on punching the bastard...... And in a split of a second, I heard footsteps from behind me followed by the sound of guns cocking Don't move! a hoarse voice yelled from behind me and I laughed loudly I think we will both spend the night in prison cell. I told Mike who was wincing in pain and he managed to smirked You should be more worried about yourself , what do you think Hazel will do when she finds out the boy she is in love with is all messed up or what do you think she will do when she finds out you spent three years in a juvenile prison house for Manslaughter ....... And who will tell her! You! I dare you too! I retorted in whispers as the cops were already right behind us C'mon boy . An officer said, pulling me up from Mike and the next thing that followed was the clanging sound of handcuff on my wrist ...... * TBC
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