Pure love

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Writer PoV * * With a broad smile , Rebecca climbed up the stairs to Hardin's room Reasons, she was extremely happy that Hazel was no longer in the mansion, it gave her Joy to see Hazel being kicked out of the house .. Now I can have Hardin to myself! She muttered, grinning like a fool opening the door, she walked in to meet a shocking sight , the same Hardin she was attempting to seduce was sprawled up on the bed smiling to himself as he held to his stomach She rushed to him and squatted as she held him Sir Hardin! She called as his eyelids drooped close She became alarmed! She was confused What is going on? What will she do? She wondered, as she looked around the room for a hint and that was when she saw it , the empty bottle of sedated drugs laying on the bed ; immediately the realisation hit her, Hardin is trying to end his life! her skin tingled in fear ! her eyeball bulged out in disbelief Why! Is he already dead? no, it can't be , I need to get help! Straightening up , she dashed out of the room ,scurried down the stairs and Luckily, she found the driver Zuma in the sitting room talking to the cook Zuma! you need to come with me upstairs. she begged with a trembling voice and Zuma exchanged look with the cook he was confused, what could be possibly wrong? he wondered Opening his mouth, he was about to ask questions when Rebecca blurted out Sir Hardin is dead! Dead! he repeated to be sure he heard right as Rebecca whimpered Just come with me! with a heavy heart , he followed behind her as she led him into the most beautiful room he has ever seen .... But there was no time to admire, the young master was laying helplessly on the bed , breathing faintly he sighed in relief ! there is still hope Without wasting time , he lifted the " sleeping kid" in his arms and ran all the way to the garage with Rebecca and the cook following behind him Open the car door. he instructed Rebecca and when she did he placed Hardin gently in a lying position at the back seat , closing the door ; then faced Rebecca Call the madam to inform her about this , tell her i will be taking him to the family hospital. he told Rebecca who just nodded sheepishly Hopping into the driver seat , he started the car and drove through the already opened gate to Ontario hospital . And as for Rebecca , she rushed back to the sitting room, picked up her phone from the sofa to dial Mrs Castillo number........ * * Camilla Castillo * * The sound of my pulse racing beat in my ear, blocking all other sound as I drove to Hardin's school .... I was lost worrying about my son change of behaviour this morning .... I mean he agreed with my suggestion last night so why is he acting all reckless? why did he fight with a classmate? Why did he run away from school? Just then , my phone rang and I glanced sideways to check the caller , it was Rebecca.... I sighed in frustration, ignoring it Why is she calling? Is it about Hardin? I bet he is at it again .. well! She will have to endure till I get him another "personal maid " But can anyone ever be like Hazel? I doubt it , she is such a sweet child ... too bad! She is the daughter to Peter Dakota , the Cop officer my son murdered...... * Getting to the school, I drove into the compound and parked out in front of the administrators block ; then I alighted from the car and walked straight to the principal office ... And as usual , I walked in without knocking to see the principal seated behind the desk resting his head on the table......so you should know he and I have been friends since high school...... Daniel! I called him by his first name ,tapping the desk gently as I sat down opposite him he jolted up as he quickly composed himself Erm erm Camilla , when did you get here? he asked , rubbing his eyes and I smiled Not quite long! I answered, leaning back on the sofa chair Oh! he exclaimed clearing his throat as he gave me a serious look I called you here because of your son rude manners today ..... Is it about the fight? I asked calmly No!not only about the fight , that rude son of yours also disobeyed me . he half yelled , banging his fist on the table and I flinched in fear It is just too annoying that I can't do anything to him. he added and I smiled Thanks Dan for considering our friendship. I said in appreciation but he shook his head It is not that! Hardin brilliance performance in the inter school maths challenge gave this school a good name , your son is a genius and I don't wanna take chances ..... I smiled proudly I wasn't surprised at all, he has always been a brilliant kid but his anger issues is way out of it .. So is there any other complaints about him ? I continued None that I have heard off ! he simply answered Oh! Then I guess I should be on my way. I stated , standing up Alright Camilla! Also , don't forget to discipline that rude annoying brilliant son of yours . I chuckled, I will And with a light smile, I left the office as I headed to my car * I opened the car door just in time to hear my phone ring Getting in , i picked up the phone to check the caller , it was still Rebecca I received it Ma! She rasped , breathing hard and I became alarmed Are you alright? Did anything happen? Did Hardin hurt you? I asked in rush No ma!it is Hardin, I have been trying to reach you but you weren't picking up .... Hardin! what happened to my baby? I half yelled he took an overdose of his sleeping pills and Zuma rushed him to the family hospital........ Over dosage! Family hospital! I repeated , panicking as my phone dropped from my hand Sucide! No way it can't be! It really can't be! I muttered, trying to calm down and when i did , I started the car and drove speeding to Ontario hospital!!! * * So many things were running through my mind as I drove to the hospital Why will Hardin ever think of killing himself?is it because of Hazel? Does he love her this much? Damn! I cursed , banging my fist on the steering wheel Hardin past is tormenting him and he really needs me beside him but can I handle this on my own? I don't think so, I need to let his father know .. Connecting a smaller phone to the car speaker, I dialled Dave number and he picked it on the third ring Hi Camilla! his baritone voice rang through Dave! It is Hardin , he is at the hospital. I said as tears rolled down my eyes Hospital! Why? Is he sick? he asked in a rush No, he tried committing sucide , what am I even saying? I don't even know his condition right now . I screamed in the phone You have to Calm down Camilla, yelling wont solve anything, so where are you now? he asked calmly On my way to the hospital! Good! I will book a flight now , I will be in Tacoma before dawn tomorrow!! Okay Dave! I said , sighing in relief Just Stay with our son , he won't die. he assured and ended the call.... Of course, he won't die. I repeated * * In what seems like forever, I got to the hospital and parked out in front Alighting from the car , I ran in like a crazy woman Where is my son? I yelled to no one in particular and Zuma who was seated at the reception rushed to me Ma! Come have a seat first. he said , trying to hold my hands but I slapped his handsaway Where is my son? I repeated as I charged blindly towards the emergency ward but a nurse was quick to block my path ....... You can't go in ma, the doctor is still attending to him ..... Will he survive it ? Please talk to me , will he survive it? I repeated, bursting into fresh tears She was about to say something when the door to the emergency ward opened and the doctor came out of it , sweating I rushed to him , whimpering Doctor! how is my son? Is he alright? I asked , holding my breathe as I waited to hear his answer Yes Camilla. he answered and I exhaled deeply in relief but he is still unconscious at the moment .he quickly added Unconscious! But why? I asked worriedly That is because he took in a full bottle of sedated hypnotic and do you know what that means? If he had been brought here a minute late, he could have lost his life Oh God! I exclaimed softly Yes Camilla, I suggest you take the kid for Therapy, he really needs it ...... Alright Doctor! but erm can I see him? I asked hoping he would say yes and he did But don't touch him in a rough way . he warned as I swallowed hard ...... I walked slowly to the emergency ward and on entering, I saw Hardin laying helplessly on the bed with a drip inserted into his body . I sat beside him as i caressed his pale face....... Please wake up honey , Mum is here and will never abandon you again ; and so you should know, I visited the prison countless of times every month but was just too ashamed to see your face because I knew I failed you ........ I always watched you from afar and seeing you smile was the only reason why I kept on moving.... I love you so much baby and will always love you ....... * * * Hazel Dakota * * It has been two days , two whole days of pains , tears and sleepless night yet Hardin hasn't called nor message and to sum it all , his number wasn't even going through Where did I go wrong? Did I offend him in anyway? I repeatedly asked myself this same questions but still didn't have an answer..... I was hurting, I was the shadow of my former self as all I did was to cry , cry and cry....... * * Tossing on the bed , I tried to take a nap but couldn't as my mind was in a bad state Hardin! Hardin! Hardin! I kept on muttering till I broke down in tears..... Oh God! Is this about him again? Alexia who was laying on the floor asked and I nodded truthfully I am sorry but I don't think I can forget about him .... heaving a sigh, she got off the floor and then sat beside me on the bed I understand you sis! but remember you made a promise to mum that you will never cry again. She reminded, wiping the tears off my face So please don't cry again. She pleaded as I whimpered , sniffing Just then the door to the room opened and my mum walked in I quickly composed myself , faking a smile ... I can't let my mom see my tears, it will hurt her.... What are you girls doing? She asked, looking at Alexia and then at me Hazel is assisting me with my assignment . Alexia lied as she picked up a big textbook from the floor Yes i am assisting her. I repeated , nervously as my mum deep blue eyes bore into mine Are you sure about that? or are you still crying over that teenage jerk who made you this way! She retorted, clutching her fist tightly in anger No mum! I will never do that . I lied as she exhaled deeply, sitting beside Alexia Better! She remarked , staring down at Alexia book and then frowned but this is way too much, how can a 13 year old be learning about this ! She queried and I looked down at the book to see what she was making reference to "Ways to prevent pregnancy" . I read and my heart skipped a bit as the memory of the last s*x I had with Hardin flowed in.... I lied to him so he wouldn't stop as I was in the mood! I never fixed any birth implants! What if I ..... no way! It is not possible, it can't be possible........ * * * Hardin Castillo * * I was not frightened nor was I afraid ,what I felt was beyond such mere nouns as I stood facing two men on black ..... How could you be so reckless Jayden! how could you? the first man who was fat yelled at me I am sorry! I muttered as I played with my fingers shyly He scoffed , sorry! Will that change the fact that you dropped your school ID in the crime scene ? he continued But It was not on purpose , it happened because I was damn scared. I defended as he huffed Oh! Really! So will you tell that to the police when they come knocking at your door . he said teasingly And why would they! I didn't commit any crime! I said with a shrug and he laughed loudly You are so naive Jay!are you too dumb to know that the police will start an investigation with that f*****g ID card? So? Then I will tell them I didn't kill the man. I insisted and that was it , the man flared up Shut up Jayden! who do you think will take the blame for your f*****g mistake? Is it him? he said , pointing to the second man , who was tall and lanky I slowly shifted my gaze to the second man and met his gaze His face was bloody and his clothes were soiled with blood No Jayden , he can't take the blame for your mistake . the fat man finalised and I looked at him confusedly But he is the one who killed him? I stated and the tall man scoffed Let me handle him bro. he said to the fat man and then faced me Jayden boy! You know how much I cherish you and in return, I will need you to do something for me And what is that? I asked , fixing my gaze on him He stared at me for a while and then asked how old are you? 14 going on 15. I answered Good! You are still a kid so the law won't be harsh on you and moreover you have rich parent who can help you out ... I stared confusedly at him , what is he trying to say? I want you to take the fall for me! he blurted out and I took two steps backward in disbelief You must be crazy man! I yelled and he smirked Of course I am ! he agreed , grinning mischievously as he continued, I am sure you saw the way I dealt with the woman who tried to steal from me last week , I r***d her mercilessly and then handed her to the other boys to use.. I swallowed hard , Why is he telling me this? I thought within And as if reading my thoughts, he said That is the way I will treat the b***h you call a mother if you refuse..... My heart raced in fear and I was paralysed on the spot My mother! No , I can't allow that , she is my everything!!! Please don't , leave my mother out of this . I pleaded and he chuckled No, I will treat your mother differently, I will kill her once I a...... he tried to say but I cut him off I will do it ! I will do it!i blurted out , so please don't kill my mom Good! he remarked and they both laughed And one more thing, don't tell this to anyone not even your police father or else your mother will pay for your sins ...... I won't ! I won't! I won't ! I won't ! I screamed loudly as I jolted up from unconsciousness ... * * Opening my eyes, I tried to sit up when I felt a strong hand around me Let me go! Let me go! I screamed Loudly No son , I won't ! the voice said calmly and on a closer look , i realised it was my Dad Dad! I called , when did you get here? I asked ,looking around the strange room Yesterday. he answered and I nodded absentmindedly Where am I? I continued In the hospital! he answered as he helped me to sit hospital! I muttered, as the memory of all what happened flashed through my mind ..... Oh God! Why!why the hell did I survive ? I directed the question to myself as tears rolled down my eyes I wanted to help Hazel with her revenge! She said she wants me dead! I just wanted to help her ... Jayden! My dad called softly and I shifted my gaze to him and saw his tears , he was crying too... Are you trying to say you did all this because of the Dakota girl? he asked with a cracked voice and I stared blankly at him ..... I mean your mum told me all about it but I never knew it was this serious I love her dad ,I really love her! I muttered and he sighed I know! it is very obvious but does she feel the same way too? he asked I don't know , I really don't know . I answered with a shrugged and he smiled We need to fix you up first and believe me when i say , I won't leave your side until you are fully better .... * * TBC
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