
2957 Words
Hardin Castillo * * A cold fear embalmed me as the hairs rose at the back of my neck and my mouth ran dry Steadying my breathe, I tried to calm my panic as I stared into her eyes Revenge! You really want a revenge? I repeated, biting at my upper lips to stop it from quavering... Yes! She answered coldly and my muscle grew tensed Alright!i simply said , looking away so she would not see the tears burning my eyes but it was of no use , she already saw it Hardin! She rasped , breathing hard as she tilted toward to look in my face Are you alright?what is with the tears? Is it because of my sad story? she asked in a rush as her gaze met mine I am alright! I managed to say and she smiled lightly , wiping my tears with her palm ... This is the exact reason why I don't like talking about my dad , I don't like people pitying me ! she stated and I stared blankly at her as I wondered how she would react when she finds out about me ! when she finds out that the boy she loathes is the very same person she loves ...... Love! Did I just say love! Does it even exist?if yes , why is it cruel to me? Pheew!!I am completely messed up Hardin! She Called snapping me out of my thoughts and I exhaled deeply, running my hands through my hair You were not listening to right? she continued with a frown and I faked a smile , caressing her messed up face ... Go to your room, I need the sleep. I said as I needed a lone time to think straight She stared at me with a puzzled face; then shook her head No Hardin, I want to spend the night with you That is not possible! I retorted in a huff and her eyes widened in surprise But why? I thought you wanted it before so.......she tried to say but I cut her off Hazel!Please leave . I pleaded, trying so hard to sound calm..... And without saying another word , she got off the bed , wrapped a sheet around her naked body , picked up her clothes and then ran out of the room ..... I sighed in frustration knowing she was hurt but what can I do , I am hurt as well..... * * The words of Hazel kept on playing in my heads I want him to die! I want him to rot in Jail! I want revenge! I was restless , I couldn't sleep as I turned and tossed on the bed all night ... how I wished this was all a dream , but it wasn't ... What should i do, should I pretend it is all right and stay by her side or should I let her go? My heart churned in pain, my head spun in confusion, my eyes filled with tears ..... I was going crazy and I knew it , I needed someone to talk to, I really needed to talk to some one .... * Weakly, i dragged myself out from the bed and as if in a trance, i walked out of my room to my mom room .... I needed her now and hope she will listen to me this time around .. Getting to her room ,I pushed the door opened and walked in to see her sleeping I ambled to her bed and sat on it Ma! I called , tapping her gently as she stirred in her sleep Ma! I called again and this time around, her eyes fluttered opened groggily, she looked around the room and when her gaze met mine , she sat up on the bed In a huff Baby! What is it? why are you eyes bloodshot? Are you alright? she asked in a rush and that was it I could hold it any longer , I broke down in tears Mum! I am hurting. I said , beating my chest in grief What is it? Please talk to me. She pleaded , searching through my eyes It is Hazel . I said In between sobs and she nodded urging me to continue but instead , I chose to query her Out of all the girls , why must she be the one? why did you employ the lady that will cause me pain? She shot me a confused look, I don't get , what are you talking about Hardin? Erm thhe cops officer from three.. years ago Is Hazel father . I stuttered, choking back my tears and she froze Peter Dakota! She called in shock as I sniffed Is that his name? I thought within Oh no! why didn't I think of this , "Dakota", but how did you know about this? she continued , biting at her lower lips That is because she told me her self! I retorted with a trembling voice Hazel! she repeated and I nodded But she doesn't know I am the one . I quickly added and she sighed in relief Good! we need to pay her off and end her job here No mum! this is not right , I love Hazel so much to hurt her like this . I stated , shaking my head and she sighed You have to forget about her , you really need to because once she finds out the truth, she will personally ruin you .... I stared at her for a while and then sighed sadly .... This is really gonna be tough for me!can I ever forget her?hell no!!! It is gonna be alright. my mum assured,pulling me into a warm hug holding her tightly, I cried in her arms like a baby knowing fully well a part of me would be gone forever but she is right , I have to let Hazel go so as not to cause her more pain ........ * * Hazel Dakota * * The ray of the sun poured into the bed room window , I squint at it as I forced my eyes opened the clock ticking in the silence of the room, it's short hand pointing to 10 Good Lord! I exclaimed, jolting up from the bed as I rushed into the bathroom why didn't Hardin wake me up? Is he still angry with me?.... but wait! what did I even do? I sighed, he is really annoying! Stepping into the bathtub, i squatted on it as I bathed ,making sure to clean my v****a properly since I was too weak to shower last night .... Hardin sudden change in demeanour really got to me ... I mean what kind of boyfriend sends his girlfriend out of his room after a hot s*x? only the annoying ones like Hardin..... When I was done, I returned to the room , hurriedly dressed up in a pink gown and then rushed out of the room to Hardin's room; on entering his room , I was surprised to meet a sparkling clean room Omoo! who did this? Is it Hardin? I smiled , he is so sweet! Retreating, I was about leaving the room when a paper neatly folded on the table caught my attention What is this? I wondered , picking it up and lol and behold , it was a letter from Hardin My hands vibrated as I read it " Hazel Dakota! I am sorry if this will hurt but I believe you need to know the truth , All we had and shared was nothing but a game to me , I never loved you from the start and have come to realise I will never will so please do me a favour, no do yourself a favour and move on ; also remember to stay away from Mike" No it can't be! It really can't be! It is a prank! Hardin must be joking! Game! no , no , no, he loves me , he told me countless of time ....I assured myself , nodding like an i***t Just then , I heard his mum call from downstairs Yes ma! I answered loudly as I ran all the way to her I found her seated on the dinning having breakfast and seeing the savoury meal , my stomach rumbled as if reminding me that I haven't eaten Since yesterday noon Good morning ma! I greeted as she turned sideways to face me Oh Hazel! how are you? she asked, staring intently at me and I bowed my head shyly Erm ma I am sorry for waking up late . I apologised but there was no response, I quickly looked up to find her staring at me Is there any problem ma? I asked politely and she sighed You are a good girl Hazel but I believe this is the best thing to do! Having said that , she picked up her handbag from the table, opened it and brought out two wads of note Here , this is $20,000. She said , handing it to me I looked at the money and then back at her What should I do with this? I asked in surprise and she cleared her throat before answering Hardin told me you are trying to get into college, is that right? She asked, fixing her gaze on me and I nodded Good! That is what the money is meant for, you can save up the rest and use it to start a business..... But ma, I still don't understand, is this a gift or what? No Hazel , that is your pay off . She said and then faced Rebecca who was standing beside her Go upstairs and bring her bags. She instructed the girl who immediately scurried up the stairs..... Payoff! I repeated and that was when the realisation hit me , Mrs Castillo does not need my service anymore No ma! Please ma! You can't do this to me! You really can't ! I pleaded , going down on my knees but she stopped me Don't try that Hazel ! She warned and i quickly straightened up Please don't !She repeated as tears down her eyes and I stared at her befuddled Why is she crying? I am the only one who ought to be crying!!! You can call me whenever you need anything. She quickly added Just then Rebecca returned to the room dragging my big black bag along with her All of your stuffs are in there . She said as she handed me my phone along with my hand bag ... Is this a dream? I wondered, pinching myself and yes, it wasn't a dream Ma! I called , breaking down in tears and she looked away Don't make it hard for me Hazel, please leave ! But ma I did not .... I tried to say but she cut me off Please leave ! She barked at me and with hot tears rolling down my eyes, I threw the money back at her as i ran out of the house , dragging my bag along with me till I got to the front gate ; then I stopped to dial Hardin's number but it wasn't going through....... I fell to the floor,crying * Hardin Castillo * * Fear became a tangible living force , that crept over me like some hungry beast , immobilising me ; my brain , holding me captive ... * I never wanted to go to school today but this same fear pushed me to as I was scared of seeing Hazel , I was scared of watching the woman I love being chased out by own mother, I was f*****g scared of everything!!! Oh! And about the letter , I wrote it so she could easily forget about me but believe me when I said , nothing written in the paper was true ...... * Castillo! a familiar voice called from behind me and I looked in the direction to see Kim I scoffed What do you want? I asked coldly and she laughed, drumming on my desk as she sat down on it I am just worried about you , you were so dull during the literature class today ,what is wrong with you? Nothing! I simply answered and she chuckled, leaning towards to play with my button Or did " your maid" offend you? She asked mockingly and that was it , my anger exploded and I pushed her roughly to the floor Arrrrgh! She groaned in pain as her buttocks hit the floor ; then she broke down in tears You are crazy Hardin! You are Crazy Hardin ! She screamed and without saying a word , I stood up , picked up a novel and was about leaving the class when Steve block my path Leave! I barked but he didn't budge, instead he choose to pick a fight by grabbed unto my collar Let go of me ! I said calmly and he scoffed And why would I! Don you think you can hurt Kimberly and go Scot free? Let go of me . I repeated with a growl but this around, he punched me hard on the face I smiled lightly, now you ask for it ! grabbed him by the collar , my fist cluttered on his face he winced , staggering backward as I gave him a second punch and then a third one not minding the loud screams from my classmates .... I could smell how scared he is but didn't care , after all he started it .... Breathing hard , I was about to give him the fourth punch when a husky voice asked What is going on here? I quickly turned and met the gaze of obese principal What the f**k! I muttered The class went silent and I quickly composed myself What is going on here? The principal, repeated looking at Steve and then at me Sir ! It is Steve , he started it first . Richard who was standing beside the principal defended me The principal shook his head , I wouldn't listen to that , Hardin Castillo! Steve Regan! to my office. he instructed and left the class..... ... No way! No f*****g way! I muttered And without thinking, I went over to my seat , pick up my backpack and ran all the way to the car lot ... What is the need for detention when my life is all messed? Opening the car door , I hopped into the car and zoomed off * * On Getting home , I honked the car horn and the gate was opened by the security I drove into the compound, parked roughly in the garage and alighted from the car ... I got to the sitting room just in time to see my mom about to leave the house Seeing me , she stopped and broke down in tears What did you do Hardin? Your principal just called to tell me about the fight . She said but it sounded so distant as I was lost looking around the house for ......Hazel I know it sounds crazy but my brain was completely frozen and she was the only one on my mind ..... Ignoring my mum , I scurried up the stairs to Hazel room and on entering, I found an empty room her big bags was not in the corner! her clothes were not scattered around! no make up kit! no sandals! The room was completely empty........ I nodded slowly, she is gone! She is gone! now it is time to grant her wish ! * Leaving her room, I walked slowly to my room , pushed the door opened and walked in The room was still the same way I left it but the letter on the table was gone She saw it, that is a relief! Tossing my backpack on the floor, I sat down on the bed ; then opened the drawer to bring out my sleeping pills ( a bottle of sedated hypotonic) I opened it and poured out the whole 25 tablet on my plan..... Don't Hardin! Why can't you just tell the full truth? My subconsciousness asked me and I laughed bitterly Full truth! Is there anything like that? and even if there is , will it change anything? Everyone believes I am the murderer and it will always remain like that ..... And in a split of a second, I threw all of the pills inside my mouth, chewing on it ; instantly I began seeing things.... I saw the brown eyes man smiling as he gestured me to come closer! I saw my parents crying! and lastly I saw Hazel reaching out for me as her blue eyes pierced into mine! I smiled Just then ,the door to my room opened but I couldn't see who walked in as the room was spinning around Sir Hardin! I heard a voice call as I blacked out.....: * * TBC
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