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Hazel Dakota * * Laying on the big bed, I chewed the end of my pen as I stared blankly at the first question In the "Mathematics handout "i was holding .... "If A=2x-y+3y ,B=x+2xy ,C= 3y+xy . Find the value of A+B+C ? I swallowed hard, Can this ever be solved?no I don't think so! moving over to the next question , what I saw got me all frustrated that I tossed the handout on the bed and picked up the next one , Literature in English. I smiled , Hardin loves literature so much! I went through it and noticed all of the questions were drafted out from two particular novels , Lord of flies by William Golding and the Grape of wrath by John Steinbeck Shit!what will I do now! there is no way I can answer all of this without reading the novel, where will I even get the .......... wait a minute! Hardin has lot of books in his shelf and being a novel freak , he will surely have both novels...... And in a rush , I got off the bed and dashed out of my room to Hardin' room and on entering his room, the memories of the s*x we had this morning flashed through my mind I licked my lips smiling as I walked over to his book shelf The books in the shelf were all squeezed together that I had to search carefully so I won't cause a tear I found none of the novels in the upper shelf so I moved over to the middle shelf and was about searching through it when a old looking book with deckled edges caught my attention.... I pulled it out and stared at it It was the original manuscript of a book written in a handwritten similar to that of Hardin but this was not legible , it was as if it was written by a little kid ........ Opening the first page , I perceived something strange, the name of the writer and the title of the story had been torn off ... why? Who could have done it? I read the first page of the story and immediately loved it , it was the story of a little girl Mona who was bored with her home and decided to go on an adventure...... I smiled , this will be damn interesting! but why do I have the feeling that I have seen or watch this before? .... well! Does it real matter? Sitting on the bed , I opened the pages one after the other as I read through it , I was so mesmerised in it and couldn't just put it down....... But who could have written this? Is it Hardin, if yes , why hasn't he published it? or has he.... The sound of my phone ringing disrupted my thoughts ..... I brought it out of my jean pocket and on checking the caller , it was Mike Oh dear! I completely forgot about him!!!! I received it hello Mike! I greeted first hi Hazel! Are you still coming? he asked Sure. I answered and he chuckled Then when will that be? It is already 16:00pm........ 16:00pm! I repeated , glancing at the huge wall clock in the room and yes , he was right Omoo! I never knew, I was so engrossed in studying that I failed to notice!!! he chuckled softly, it is alright, so will you still make it today? Of course I will , I will be on my way now Alright dear! he said and ended the call... Standing up from the bed , I Kept the manuscript on his reading table and then walked out of the room to my room * Entering my room, I quickly changed my clothes , plaited my hair into a loosed bun ,applied little makeup, picked up my bag along with my phone and then headed down the stairs .... Luckily for me , I met no one in the sitting room so I happily scurried out of the house to the taxi station * The taxi stand was a bit crowded so I had to join the queue And after waiting for about 30 minutes , it got to my turn Finally! I muttered I hopped into the taxi and on telling the driver my destination, he drove of ... * * Hardin Castillo * * Immediately the school bell rang , I shrugged my backpack on and stood up drumming on Richard desk as I waited for him Stop it man, you are disturbing me with that . he queried Ooops! Sorry I quickly withdraw my idle hand and tuck it in my pocket But do I really need to wait for you? I asked , staring down at his book Yes Hardin! he simply answered as he proudly solved an equation incorrectly I chuckled, I can see someone is getting ready for a fail. What do you mean by that? he asked , looking at his book and then back at me Nothing. I lied Please Castillo don't do this to me , save a friend. he pleaded and I sighed Fine! I will explain it to you but not now And why not now? he asked with an arched eyebrow That is because Hazel will be worried sick waiting for me and I don't want that to happen. I explained and he grinned like an i***t Dang it! You have lost your heart to that girl!he retorted, standing up and we both walked out of the class to the car lot ...... * Bye Castillo and don't forget to Skype me this night . Richard reminded as he got into his car which was beside mine Sure I won't! I promised I got into my car , started the ignition and drove off heading for home * * On getting to the mansion, I honk the car horn and the gate was opened up by the security man I drove into the compound and parked in the garage; on alighting, I looked around for Hazel but didn't see her Why is she not here? Or is she playing hide and seek with me? with my hands in my pocket, I walked straight to the sitting room and on my entering , I found that Rebecca of a girl setting up the dinning table ....: Seeing me, she left what she was doing and rushed to me You are welcome Hardin! she greeted with a large smile and I smirked She never learns! Ignoring her , I climbed up the stairs to Hazel room She was the one on my mind ! She was the one I was itching to see! I pushed the door opened and walked in to see the a messy room Her clothes were on the floor , the lecture handout scattered on the bed ,her make up kit turned upside down I shook my head in disbelief Bringing out my phone from my pocket, I dialled her number but it rang without her picking up....... What the hell Is going on? I dialled it again for the second time but it was still the same and was about dialling it for the third time when a message popped in It was a message from her , I quickly clicked on it " I cant pick up, I am in the taxi" I sighed in relief as I typed in a message "Where are You? Where are you even coming from?... I sent it but it went to the message pending list!! What the f**k! Did she switch off her phone? I quickly dialled her number to confirm and yes , it was switched off .... She is f*****g gonna explain this !!! * Disoriented , I went over to my room and on entering, I tossed my back pack on the floor and was about going over to the bathroom when I sighted the manuscript laying on my desk ...... I picked it up and stared confusedly at it How did it get here? who kept it here? Is it my mum? no , it is Hazel.... my mom knows my dos and don't so she can possibly the one ..... why did she search through my book shelves? What was she looking for? I exhaled deeply, flipping through the pages of the book , thank Goodness i was smart enough to tear out the pages with the title and the name of the writer ... But what if she read through it? my subconsciousness asked and I panicked a little Why didn't I think of it? Is this the reason why she switched off her phone? has she find out anything about my past? Oh God! This is exactly what I have been scared of, when the girl I love will start asking questions about my past!! * * Hazel Dakota * * Alighting from the taxi , I paid the driver and walked down the path to Mike house absentmindedly as I was lost thinking about what to say to Hardin when I get back to the mansion.... I knew he would be pissed off by now but I had no other option but to switch off my phone..... * Getting to the front of Mike's home , I knocked on the wooden door Come in . a voice answered and I smiled knowing it was Mike I pushed the door opened and on walking in, I gasped in shock Mike was seated on the sofa with only his briefs on and not only that, he was smoking and drinking heavily My heart skipped a bit as my skin tingled in fear Retreating my step , I turned around and tried to run but it was too late , Mike caught me by my arm and then made me face him ...... And where do you think you are running to? he asked , licking his lips as his eyes roamed all over my body.... I have been waiting all day for you! No Mike , you are drunk please think clearly . I pleaded as he smirked No Hazel! I ain't drunk , I f*****g know what I am doing. he retorted and before I knew it , he pushed me roughly to the sofa ... Oouch! I groaned in pain as my buttocks landed on it he chuckled, I really love the sound you made just now , i will love to hear more of it when I screw your tight p***y hole ..... Pussy hole! What does he mean by that? I am gonna f**k You till I loosen your hole . he continued , belching and the foul smell of alcohol filled the air Please Mike , you really can't do this to me, remember we are friends. I reminded and he scoffed Friends! hell no! I wanted you to just love me but what did you do? you chose to love a teenager who is three years younger than you , why? Just tell me why?Is it because he is cute or because he is rich .... I shook my head negatively, it is not him being rich or cute , it is about him being in control of my heart . I tried to reason to him and that was it , he rushed to me and held me by the neck as he pinned me down to the sofa I gasped for air Pleeease Mike you arrrre choking meeee. I managed to say and he released his hold on me a little as he kissed me roughly ..... I tried wriggling my body out of his hold but couldn't, he was so much stronger than me ...... Hardin! I called , breathing into his mouth and he pulled away from the kiss, glaring down at me ... What did you say? he asked with a straight face as i broke down in tears Please let me go! Please let me go ! I pleaded but he did not budge; instead he kissed my neck and began suckling on it ...... I closed my eyes as tears rolled down my eyes How I wish I listened to Hardin! how I wish I told him where I was headed ! how I wish I never switched off my phone! You are so sweet Hazel! I heard the bastard say and my heart churned with anger I really need to do something! I can't allow this bastard take advantage of me! Opening my eyes, I looked around the room and my gaze landed on the empty bottles laying on the table beside me I stretched my hands trying to reach for it but that was when the i***t chose to rip off my shirt No! No! I screamed , covering my exposed bra with my hands but he flung my hands away , unclasping my bra as he took a n****e into his mouth and suckled on it hungrily Bastard! I screamed and in a split it a second, I reached for the bottle and smashed it against his head Arrrrgh! he grunted in pain as he fell to the floor bleeding I jolted up from the sofa , picked up my torn shirt from the floor and then rushed out of the room like a crazy woman And With my hands folded across my exposed boobs , I kept on running till I got to a busy road ; then I hurriedly put on the torn shirt and held it tightly with my hands ..... I had no money on me as my bag was still in the bastard house and my phone, yes my phone , it was in my pocket.... Bringing it out , I switched it on to see 20 voicemails messages all from Hardin ..... Oh Hazel! what have you done? I dialled his number and he picked it up immediately Haz! Where are you? Are you alright? Why did you switch off your phone? he asked in a rush and I broke down in tears What Is it Haz! Why are you crying! Please talk to me ....... It is Mike , he triiieeeedd to hurt me. I stuttered and the line went quiet Hardin! I called softly Where are you ? he asked coldly Ontario bus stand, do you know there? Yes!he answered with the same cold voice and ended the call.... I stared at the phone for a while and then collapsed on the floor crying, ignoring the stares and murmurs of passers by Will Hardin ever forgive me? I wondered as tears rolled down eyes * * Hardin Castillo * * This is bull s**t ! I retorted angrily as I got off from the bed Putting on a slide slippers, I picked up my car keys and dashed out of the room , scurried down the stairs and rushed out of house ignoring my mum curious stares I signalled the security man to open the gate as I got Into my car ; and on starting it , I drove off to Ontario bus stop .... Thankfully! It was a place I know since it was closer to my school ...... * * A lot of things were running through my mind as I drove in high speed to the place .... Why did Hazel go to Mike place! Is it about the Manuscript! If no, why the hell did she go there ? I thought I warned her clearly to stay away from him Damn! This is all f****d up! * Getting to the bus station, I sighted Hazel at a corner sitting on the floor as she held to her shirt tightly What the hell happened to her! I pulled up in front of her and on alighting, I rushed to her Haz! I called , squatting beside her and when she looked at me , I saw her bloodshot eyes Hardin! She called as tears rolled down her eyes What happened to you? I asked gritting my teeth as my eyes searched through her body The love bites on her neck ! her torn clothes! her pointed n*****s which clearly shows she was without bra!and even are scattered hair all point to one thing, Rape..... Did he do it ? I asked with a surprisedly calm voice and she shook her head I scoffed , I never knew you were dumb , did he do it ? I barked at her and she shivered in fear No he didn't! She answered as I huffed Then tell me , what exactly did he do to you? I continued Nothing. She answered, trying not to meet my gaze Oh really! then why is your cloth torn? why ain't you wearing a bra? Don't lie to me Hazel , did he kiss you? did he suckle your boobs ? I asked hoping and praying she would say no but was disappointed Yes! She answered as I lips quivered and I heard a loud bang in my head Where does that bastard stays? I yelled Over there. She said , pointing to a cornered path Good! Get into the car. I instructed but she shook her head This is not right Hardin , Let us just go home. She said , trying to touch me Don't! I warned and she withdrew her hands Hardin please . She pleaded Get into the f*****g car . I yelled and she quickly stood up and did as I instructed ....... Following suit, I hopped in the driver seat and bang the door shut The directions! I muttered and she pointed to a long cornered road Starting the car , I drove through the path to Mike home ..... * In what seems like eternity, she pointed to an apartment painted brown and I parked out in front of it .... I looked out of the window and nodded Austin hasn't lost his taste for luxurious things! Stay here! I instructed , opening the car door and was about alighting when she held my hands tightly I looked at her hands and then at back at her ; she immediately got the message and let go of me Good! What is it? I asked , staring at her messed up face It is Mike , he is dead . She said and I became alarmed Dead! Why! how! What killed him? I asked in a rush Bottle, I smashed a bottle against his head. She answered and I heaved a deep sigh Just bottle! don't be a Drama Queen. I scolded her and alighted from the car .... A bottle is not enough to kill the " Almighty Austin or should I say Mike " * Walking up to the front porch, I noticed the door was slightly Ajar so I pushed it opened and on walking in, I met " the bastard" dubbing a big cotton wool on his wounded head Seeing me , he laughed weakly I knew you would come but I never expected it to be so fast..... Bastard! Why did you do it ? I asked , gritting my teeth That is because I have an eye for her first ! he retorted and I scoffed Isn't it obvious she doesn't want anything to do with you? I fired at him but he laughed. And who told you that ? you could have seen the way she was moaning my name when I suckled on that tiny n*****s of hers. he fired at me and I faked a laugh trying to calm down the rage boiling inside me .... Hazel would never do that and do you know why? because her body belongs to me and me alone. I said trying to get him pissed and it worked Bastard! he cursed, trying to stand up but he fell back to the sofa , groaning in pain I laughed mockingly at him and that was the height of it , he pulled out a gun from underneath the sofa and aimed it at me Don't piss me off Jay or else I will shoot . he threatened as I took a few step backward his look was deadly and i knew for sure he could act on his threat he laughed, Are you scared? No Jayden , you shouldn't be, you readily gave up your freedom to protect your mom so I believe you can also give up your life for your girl ....... Bastard! I cursed at him as he laughed loudly You should be thankful I am trying to have a peaceful life here in Tacoma or else I could have blow off your head..... Sure! I know what a beast like you is capable of doing but let me give you a clear warning, if you dare hurt Hazel again I will make you regret it. I warned as he chuckled And if you dare try anything stupid, your mother will be the one to pay for your crime. he fired back at me and a cold fear ran down my spine... * TBC
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