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In the morning Rose and grandmother sat down beside each other while they were enjoying their tea after lunch. They were laughing and talking. Grandmother asked her about her further plans for future. "Sweetheart, now that you are here. I always want you near me but you are a woman now. You will also get married and have kids. You should learn from me how to cook more delicious food so you can please your future husband." Hearing her grandmother talk about her future, she couldn't believe her ear as she kept talking about it without thinking how embarrassed Rose was by it. Rose didn't want to upset her by telling that she was still not ready for marriage. Or ever will be. She had always distant herself from men. But one or another way she will have to tell her grandmother what she wanted. So she will have to do it now before it's too late. "Grandmother, I am still so young. Getting married is not the goal of my life. I want to live for myself and you. I want to do something for you. For us. So I have decided that I will find work to pay off our depts." Rose thought, there life was going to be so great. She was also thinking about continuing her studies further. Grandmother looked at her in shock as of she said something she shouldn't have. Like she just committed a huge sin. Rose was scared by her reaction and didn't know what to say to her gran who was maybe already thinking about marrying her off. This was what she afraid of. She never wants to hurt her grandmother's hurt. She has no idea what to do and how to make her gran understand her feelings. "Grandma, please I just want to be myself. I don't want to get married for being just a wife and a mother. I want to be more. I want to do something good to people. You understand what I mean, right?" Grandmother look at her with unreadable expression. "Grandmother-" "We will talk about this matter later, Rose." Rose knew that she had already upset her grandma, but she didn't want to push her to accept everything but it would be good for everyone if her grandma accept all her condition. "Alright, it's been so long since I was gone from there I want to explore this place and look around a little. I will be back soon after my little tour to the river." Grandmother smiled at her exciting behavior. "Sweetheart it's a good idea. Go look around a little. The river is your favorite part right? You should go take a bath there." "You remember grandmother how much I loved going to that place with you? I missed everything. But gran, if someone sees me taking a bath, I don't want to embarrass myself, you know I am not a child anymore?" "Haha! Don't worry darling in that river no one can enter without lord's permission. It is a restricted place now. Only the person can enter is the lord himself." "If no one can go than how would I enter that place?" She was confused and sad all of her excitement went off. She really wanted to go there! That place was like a heaven to her. "Don't worry, lord is a caring person, he knows about your love for that river, he will not object. Besides I will be going to castle now so don't worry." "Ok." With that she got ready to go there, and picked up some clothes to wear after bathing. And went out of the house to take a tour. As she kept looking around, she saw those kids who were acting all mature. They were playing something very interesting. She wanted to play with them too. She begged them to let her play with them. Seeing her childish behavior they finally agreed a little bit because she was a pretty sister to them. After playing with them to her heart content. After bedding them goodbye she went towards the castle. She couldn't wait to go inside. But was it right? She was a little scared. It was almost night, she should take a quick bath there. There stood the big gate of  the beautiful castle... She didn't know why she came here but she still couldn't forget her childhood how she used to play in that place happily with grandmother happily. The castle was huge. She always lived coming here but she never went inside the castle. She went near the gate, it was huge. It looked like automatic door, it was locked. She tried to look for anyone. Where was grandmother? Without her she can't get inside. She guess there was no one here already and there is no way she could get inside there. It would be better if she just left. She really wanted to see the castle too... With a sad face, she turned around to leave but stopped because she heard this beep noise coming from the castle side. When she look behind her to see The door was opening automatically... Cool! She guessed someone opened the door from inside. Without thinking twice she went inside immediately. She was shocked to see the entire environment. She felt like she was in another world. She never saw this kind of place even in her dreams, it looked unreal to her. The huge castle was in the middle, making it more alluring. It was made from expensive white marvel and gold. The design was made with gold. The entire castle was surrounded by beautiful rose flowers! Her favorite flower! Wow! So beautiful! The bridge over the river was made by white marvel. She walked towards the bridge to go near the river... The river was still so beautiful and it was completely surrounded with huge trees. The river was calm. Rose loved nature and adore it. She went near the water. She didn't feel weird about it now. She felt safe. The water is so clean. It was crystal clear... She look around her to see if there was someone watching her or not but there was no one. Grandmother was right, no one could enter this place without the Lord's permission. She suddenly felt curious about this lord, who was this person. And why was he so nice to her family and everyone who lived her. Rise thinks that in Thai world no one cares about anyone without any selfish reason. Maybe she might be wrong about that man. Without thinking twice she relaxed and started to strip naked. After removing her clothes she put her sexy black lace bra and thong to the side with her other clothes clothes. Without thinking twice she dived into the water swimming her tired away. The cold water felt so good to her skin. She felt so free. She always loved to swim, when I was little she loved water. She wanted to learn swimming. She didn't have anyone besides her gran. She asked her grandma to teach her to swimming. And she did. After that I used to swim any time she wanted. She kept swimming she didn't even know for how long. After finishing her swimming, she came out of the water. Rose was still naked. She was never embarrassed or insecure about her hour glass figure. She 19 years old but her body grown up well. Her full breast were big. She had wide hips. She knew she was beautiful and she was confident. Grabbing her white towel to dry her wet body while running her hands through her wet long hair. She felt something strange as if someone was watching her like she was his pray. Rose felt someone's present. Oh no! Suddenly she was scared did someone saw her naked showering? God please don't let that happen, she might probably die from embarrassment. But gran told her this place is restricted and there was no way someone was going to get inside the castle without permission. "I am such a fool to think no one will come here. How could I be so stupid?" She asked herself. If gran said no one will come then no one will come. Only the lord can allow anyone to enter his home. It was not even home but a castle. God! So beautiful. He was lucky to live in here everyday. She turn around to face away from the beautiful river to get dressed she had already wrapped the towel around her body tightly. Bending over she grabbed her white lace bra only to wear it after removing her towel. She suddenly hear something the behind the trees. As if someone was walking near her. She gripped her towel tightly. She gasped in fear, was it a big scary animal? She was scared, maybe that animal was going to eat her. Or maybe there was really a person in there watching her? No way this was going happen to her. Did someone saw her bathing naked? Feeling fear she couldn't even wear her undergarments so she was still naked, she immediately hide her exposed boobs and her p***y with the help of her hands. She immediately bend over to grab the towel from the ground that had fallen from her hand out of fear. She hear some sounds of someone coming in her direction. But it was suddenly very quite. She felt someone's eyes on her back, she turn around to face the stranger. She look up to see a man in the wheel chair. He was just not a random guy but this man looked so handsome and powerful even if he was sitting in his wheelchair. He was the first men she thought was god like handsome and had a hot body. He is wearing dark blue suit. It looked quite expensive and hot in his muscular build huge body. Her skinny figure was nothing in front of this huge man. He could easily swallow her whole self. He looked on his late twenties. Steel Cold Gray pretty pair of eyes. His face was so handsome. He looked like a god like handsome man. All his muscular personality was just too perfect. His gaze on her felt hot in her body. Who is this man? He was looking at my body with his intense gray eyes. She suddenly realized that she was still naked in front of this unknown man. Her eyes immediately went widen in fear. She immediately wrap the towel around her body more tightly. Making herself secure. She run towards the big tree hiding behind it. She peek from the tree she saw he was still there. And her clothes were still in front of him. She looked up to see he was still looking at her fearful and shocked eyes. Widening her eyes she gasp in shock as he caught her looking at him. She quickly hide again like child who did something bad. What was this person doing here? Gran said no one will come here. She decided to ask him with great courage. "Who are you? What are you doing in here? Don't you know that it's a restricted place You can not come in here" she asked him with authority while hiding herself behind the tree. But for a along time there was no response from his side. "Come out" he ordered her in his husky deep sexy voice. Rose felt shiver went though her while body. She was didn't want to come out in front of him literally in her towel. "No..."she whispered softly but he could hear her little voice because it was really quite there and scary. "Come out now" she could sense restless in his voice like if she didn't come out he might do something she wouldn't like. It almost felt like he was holding himself back. But for what? She looked at the sky it's almost night gran must be worried about her, she needs to leave from here real quick. "I can't come out I am not dressed, please leave from here. I have to get dress and then go home." She wanted him to go first so he will not see her almost naked. There is no way she was going to let him see her naked again... She was panicking by then as she did not get any response from him. It was quite maybe he left? I again peek at him to see if he was still here. But she was wrong again... He was still there watching her with those steel gray eyes. It was his hypnotizing eyes. She felt like he was controlling her in a way no one could. She just can't read his mysterious eyes. It's completely blank. Why was he looking at me like that? Did her face had something on it? She inspect her face with the help of her hands. But she felt he was just a person who was weird kind of handsome man. A handsome man.... It kind of made me feel shiver though her wet body. She felt cold. "Who are you?" She again asked him feeling curious. He will have to tell her who he was...
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