Mister Dream Lord, Bring Me A Dream-6

1618 Words

Page 22 panel 7 Lullaby: You're angry now because he showed you something about yourself that isn't very nice--but it's true! You can't change what you did, but you have to live with it! Don't let him use it to drive you crazy! Don't let him use it to kill you! Page 22 panel 8 Lullaby: Don't do it, Dream Lord...don't charge after him like a dumb rhino! You don't have enough power to get rid of him--yet--but you do have the power to change what he's done! Remember the dreamers, Dream Lord...remember the Dream Dimension. You have a job to do, don't you? Page 23 (9 panels) Page 23 panel 1 The Dream Lord, now somewhat calmer, responding to Lullaby's comments, just stares into the mirror at himself. Page 23 panel 2 The same closeup of the Dream Lord staring at the mirror. Dream

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