Mister Dream Lord, Bring Me A Dream-5

2029 Words

Woman: Such intensity! Positively inspirational! Page 18 panel 6 Slide: Dr. Paulsen is elated, standing proudly before a bank of controls and monitors displaying energy patterns. He is lecturing on a new breakthrough to a group of colleagues gathered around him. Off to one side, Dr. Adams looks at him with icy disdain. Bogeyman: Unfortunately, I had the audacity to unravel certain key discoveries before him. My success, as astonishing as it was to my colleagues, and as exciting as it was to me, nourished naught but resentment in the overzealous Dr. Kubla. Page 18 panel 7 Slide: Adams at a lab table, slamming his fist down in frustration. He is clawing at his face with the other hand, deeply upset. Bogeyman: Well...doesn't that just make you want to beat your breast and wail? Poo

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