Chapter 30

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"So how are things between you two? Are you guys getting along fine?" Lana asked while we waited for our food, "What do you think about Charlotte, Colton? You guys have been seeing each other for a couple of weeks. There must be an opinion about each other. " I stiffened next to Colton. I didn't think she would poke us with these kinds of questions when I agreed to go out for lunch with Colton and his friend, Cole. She knew I wouldn't be able to do anything now of all times. Colton put a hand over mine and smiled, "We are still learning something new about each other every day," Colton answered with a shrug of his shoulder, "For now, everything is going great. Charlotte is smart, kind, and fun to be around with" My cheeks burned. He might not have meant most as we are now on a show in front of our friends, but it still felt great to be complimented like that. "Fun?" Lana looked at him incredulously, "She works for fun, Colton. How do you see anything fun with her? Or are you a workaholic, too? That's why she is fun too you. " She chatted away her mind. I sent a glare towards her, but she didn't notice that. Why can't she be quiet like Colton's friend? Colton laughed at that, "I am a workaholic too, but I personally think she has a great personality. Her ideas and interests are unique, " He said sincerely, making my cheeks burn, "We did have some fun at the beach -" "The beach?" Lana squealed, making me cringe, "You went to the beach with him?" She looked at me in disbelief. I didn't tell her about that? "Yeah, we went there while we were at Maryland. It was great. " I nodded, looking at Colton. It was the truth anyway. I had a great time that day, getting chased by Colton. Colton smiled next to me, patting my hand. "We should do that again," He said, and I nodded at him in agreement. I don't mind getting chased by the beach again and again. "Aww," Lana gushed, "Look at you two. I am so happy to see this progressing, Charlotte. I told you I had a good feeling about Colton" I could only smile at her in return. My eyes went to Cole, who was watching all of us quietly. "Cole seems like a quiet person," I noted, and Colton sniggered next to me. I looked at Colton in alarm, "Am I wrong?" I asked, and he nodded at me. "Cole rarely shuts his mouth." He grinned, "I wonder why he is so quiet today. Perhaps he has someone in his mind -" Cole started coughing, "I just happen to have a sore throat today and couldn't speak." He glowered at Colton. Colton grinned at his best friend, "Oh, my bad. Sorry, " He said, not sounding sorry at all, "I just thought that someone might have made you speechless, " He continued, his eyes flickering towards Lana, who was watching Cole and Colton carefully. What am I missing here? I tilted my face to the side and looked at Colton again. I found him watching me already, and when he knew he caught my eyes, he nodded his head towards Cole and Lana. I furrowed my eyebrows together and looked their way as he had signalled. Cole was watching Lana as if she were the only woman in this restaurant. The way he was studying her made me blush. Lana, on the other hand, has her eyes fixtated on both me and me. I looked at Colton again and saw him flutter his eyelids close for a second, indicating that's what he meant. I smiled at him, "So Cole, you didn't tell us anything about you yet," I said, wanting to give him an opportunity to start a conversation. His whipped his head to face me and blinked, "Pardon?" He said, "Sorry, my mind was somewhere else. It's rude of me. " He scratched the back of his neck, his ears turning pink. "That's fine, we all do that sometimes," I said, hoping he wouldn't feel too embarrassed, "Um, can you tell us about you? We would love to get to know one of Colton's friends. " "Only friend," Cole corrected, "No one else can endure being a friend to him. He is ruthless. " "Thank you for the compliment, Cole," Colton said curtly. "You're welcome," Cole shrugged, "I do have my own business. I have a few restaurants here, " Lana perked up at that, "Really? Our parents own a restaurant chain in Maryland as well! Charlotte, it's not every day we meet someone from the food and beverage industry. " She gushed excitedly. "You guys must know a lot about that business then," Cole mused, glancing at Lana. "Yeah. Our parents wanted us to take over the business, but we told them a hard no. Charlotte and I are meant to be business partners but not in that business. We found passion in interior designing, " Lana said, waving her hand in front of her as she spoke. "Do you hate the FnB industry that much?" Cole asked, his forehead creasing in worry. "No-no. Of course not. We don't have anything against it. In fact, we used to help out our parents when we were in high school, and we loved it. We do help them when we return to Maryland. Sometimes that is, " Lana explained. Cole seemed to be relieved after hearing that, "That's good to know," He mumbled to himself. "Have you and Lana always been together?" Colton asked me. I nodded at him, "We're joined by the hips since we were in diapers." I laughed, "It is actually crazy. Lana and I are nothing a like, but we still manage to be the best duo in everything. " "Pretty much like us then," Cole said, "Colton is cold -" "He is not." Lana shook her head, "Colton is so sweet. I mean, look at how he treats Charlotte. There is no way I would believe that he is a cold man. " Cole followed the line of her eyes, "Ah, I forgot. He is not the single Colton that I used to know, " He muttered, "He must really like her a lot. I had never seen him with a woman before. He wouldn't even glance their way. " I raised my eyebrows at that, "Is that true?" I asked Colton, "Not even one girl caught your eyes? Come on, I find that hard to believe. " Colton simply shrugged, "I am not the judge the book by its cover type. Yeah, pretty face is something but being pretty up here. " He pointed at his head, "That is much more attracting to me" "So you never found anyone with a pretty mind?" Colton smiled, "I found you," My cheeks turned crimson, and I had to look away from him to hide my face. I mean, I know he was saying all that to make our friends believe we are indeed interested in each other, but still, it sounded so sincere to my ears. "Awh," Lana sighed dreamily, "I wish I had someone to get to know as well. Charlotte rarely has time for me these days, and it is starting to get boring. " Cole cleared his throat, "Actually -" "The food is here!" I heard someone say, and I looked up to see the waiter come towards us with a serving tray. "We have great timing, aren't we? We made sure to prepare everything quickly, but don't worry, we don't compromise when it comes to the taste, " He said as he set the food in front of us. "Yeah, great timing indeed." Cole spat, glowering at the waiter now. .
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