Chapter 29

1655 Words
Colton's POV "You have to introduce her to me soon," Cole said, "Yeah, you keep telling yourself that this is an act and all but I have a feeling you're going to end up with her for real" He continued when I shook my head at him. The last thing I wanted was to introduce Charlotte to him. I would rather not witness that ever. He has been my best friend for almost twenty-five years now, and I can bet all the money I have with me that he knows me the best compared to anyone else in this world. I never hid anything from Cole. I told him everything about Charlotte and how she agreed to play along with me to please our loved ones. "It is not like that. She is just a good friend, " I denied without looking at him. Is it wrong to help a woman in need? Cole scoffed, "You have been going on about her since the moment I came in, dude. You have this 'v' in between your eyebrows, and this time, it is not because of work. It is because of her" I sighed and shook my head at him while going through an important file, "You're delusional." I rubbed the centre of my forehead in an attempt to smooth that 'v' he mentioned. "No. You're in denial. Tell me one thing, why would you hire someone to tighten the security around her apartment? Now, you have even hired someone to tail her from afar. " I still don't see why I shouldn't do that. "It is for her good" I shrugged, "Who knows when that fucker tries to harass her again" I muttered, gripping the pen harder than necessary. Just thinking about him made my blood boil under my skin. "Why do you care if someone harasses her?" He shot at me, "You guys are in a fake relationship. Why are you acting like you're in a real one?" I was about to sign another document, but my hand froze in mid-air, "I- I- it's just. I don't like it if a woman is being manhandled, " I shrugged, "I would have done the same to any woman in her place, " I almost cringed at my words. Cole dared to laugh at my lame reply, "You would hire a team of professionals for any woman? Can't your lies be any more creative than this, Colton?" He asked, giving me a look, "Just admit it. You like her" My mind went back to the time she had kissed me in her drunken state. She might not remember it but I do. That kiss has been flashing in my mind now and then, making my heart beat faster than ever. "You like her, don't you?" Cole asked, pulling me to the present. I put the pen down and put my undivided attention on him, "Cole, you're making me regret telling you everything." Charlotte was smarter in this. She didn't tell her best friend about our fake relationship but I acted a little out of mind. "I am just doing this so you wouldn't regret it in the future if some other man captured her heart? Are you okay with that?" Something flared in me when I imagined her with someone else. It took me a moment to realise it was jealousy and then I was stunned by the fact I was jealous over a petty thing like this. "Hah, see how your face had changed when I said that? You're definitely into her" Cole said confidently. "My face didn't change" I grumbled and stood up and glanced at my watch, "I have to attend an important meeting now. I will see you later-" My phone started ringing before I could finish talking. I looked at the caller ID and I thought my heart skipped a beat. It was Charlotte. "Charlotte," I said, answering the phone and ignoring Cole's knowing smile. "Hey," She said in a soft voice, "About the project you booked with us, would you mind if I come and take a look around now? I am sorry I didn't tell you beforehand" "Now?" I asked, glancing at Cole. This is not going to be good. "Yeah," I heard say from the other end, "Lana and I are waiting at your office lobby. You don't have to accompany us if you are busy. We will take a look around quietly and leave" I didn't want Cole to meet her but fate had a different idea, "No, I am not busy. I'll come down to get you-" "No- There is no need for that" She chuckled, "Just tell your staff to let us up. We can get there ourselves. It can cause a scene if the CEO himself comes down to greet us, " She said. She didn't like to be the center of attention. "Alright, I will ask them to send you up," I agreed halfheartedly. "Thanks" She chirped, cutting the call. I made a call to let them in before looking up at Cole, "She is coming here. Please don't ask silly questions or behave in a way that can threaten our friendship, " I warned him, but it didn't look like he took my words seriously. "Hah, luck is on my side." Cole stood up, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you," "She is coming here with her friend and that friend, doesn't know about our fake relationship. Lana thinks that we are really trying to get to know each other" "Noted" We waited for a couple of minutes until finally, we heard a soft knock on the door, "Come in," I said and watched the door creak open. Charlotte stepped in, wearing a suit today. It looked nice on her. Her beautiful hair was styled professionally, revealing her whole face. Behind her, her friend entered the room as well. "Hi, Colton," Charlotte greeted me with a nod, and then her eyes darted towards Cole. "That's my best friend, Cole Anderson," I introduced. "Hi, I have been dying to meet you, Charlotte" Cole stepped towards her, extending his hand, "Colton told me so much about you and I was curious who managed to steal that rock heart of his" Charlotte's beautiful eyes flickered towards me again and I nodded at her to play along. She nodded discreetly and took Cole's hand in her, giving it a firm shake. "It is nice to meet you, Mr. Anderson, " She said politely, "This is my best friend and business partner, Lana Williams. " Cole let go of Charlotte's hand after observing her for a moment before shifting his attention to her friend. His eyes widened a little, "Pleasure to meet you, Lana Williams." He stepped towards Lana next. "Likewise, Mr. Anderson" Lana shook her hand with Cole, "Hey Colton. Good to see you again" She said, stepping away from him. Cole continued to stare at Lana as if she was the only one in the room. I let that slide, happy he had his attention somewhere else, "I am happy to see you too, Lana" I flashed her a smile, "So where do you guys want to start looking first" Charlotte opened the file she brought with her, "It says here that you want to renovate your workspace and the staff pantry" She said, looking up. "Is this your room?" She asked, scanning around the room. "Yes, it is" I answered. Charlotte smiled, "You don't mind if we take some measurements, do you?" She asked, taking out the smallest retractable measuring tape I have ever seen. "Sure, go ahead," I said, stepping away to give them space. Charlotte sent a warm smile our way before walking towards the walls and knocking on them, "You don't mind if we use plywood against these walls do you?" She asked, turning around to look at me. I shook my head. From the corners of my eyes, I saw Lana take out a book and a pen, jotting something down. I watched Charlotte take some measurements and say it out loud for Lana to jot it down. She then asked me to take her to the pantry and did the same thing there. We returned to my room once she was done, "We will try our best to satisfy the needs of our clients. We will have to design the room with our 3D system to give you a clearer picture" She explained, "From there you can tell us if you prefer it that way or if you want to add or remove something" "Will you two be here during the renovation?" Cole asked. I looked to the side to see him eyeing Lana. He has been awfully quiet the entire time. He just followed us to the pantry like a lost puppy and then back to my room again. That is very unlike him. I thought he would fire endless questions to Charlotte but he didn't. Lana had captured his attention the entire time. Charlotte and Lana exchanged a look, "We will come once in a while to take a look. Though there is no reason for us to come as we have a great team of professionals, they will make sure everything is perfect" Lana smiled at me, "You don't have to worry about a thing, Colton" "That's great to hear," I said, my eyes flickering towards Charlotte. She smiled when her eyes met mine, "I think we got all the measurements we need. We'll see you again when the layout is ready" She smiled, "We will take our leave-" "It's almost lunchtime, why don't you two join us for lunch?" Cole asked before they can leave. Charlotte shook her head, but her eyes widened as if she realized something, "Sure, that sounds good," She agreed, glancing at Lana, who looked more than eager to have lunch together. Of course, she wouldn't want her friend to be suspicious.
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