Chapter 37

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"I think it will be more fitting if we use this type of patterned wood here," I said, pointing at the spot I was talking about, "I can guarantee that you will like it. It will enhance the mood to work in peace. " I looked at Colton again to find him watching me. It didn't seem like he looked at where I had pointed. If anything, I felt his eyes on me the whole time, "So what do you say? We don't have to use the one I was talking about if you prefer the original plan, " I said, ignoring the fact he had been staring at me the whole time. He blinked as if he was just snapping out of his reveries. He looked at the spot and then at me again, "Uh, yeah. I think we should go with the one you suggested just now, " He said, seeming a little distracted. I narrowed my eyes on him, "Is something bothering you? You don't seem focused today, " I noted, "If you are not comfortable now, I can come another time. I believe interior designing has a better effect on someone's mood. I can't understand what you need if you're distracted, " He shook his head, "No, that's not it. I am not distracted. I heard you, and I trust your taste, " He said, "I was just thinking about -" He stopped himself as if he was not sure if he could tell me that. "About?" I pressed. His gaze zeroed on my face, and he shook his head, "Never mind, I will tell you about it some other time. Do you want to have some coffee?" He asked, "I'll have someone to bring up one right away. " "I didn't say I want one," I said before he could make a call. His hand froze on the phone, and he looked up at me, "I don't feel like having one. It's almost lunchtime. If I have one now, it will mess with my appetite" He put the phone down, "Do you want to go out and have lunch with me then? We can look for a dress as well." I shook my head at him, "No, I have to meet another client later. Lana is sick today, so I have to cover for her as well. " "Do you want me to accompany you?" He asked. It took me a second to realize he wasn't joking. "Wait, you're serious? What will you do if you come with me? This isn't your field of expertise. " "I agree. I have zero knowledge when it comes to interior designing, but I can help you take down notes. Like Lana did the other day when you visited my office room. " "Really? Are you willing to do that?" I chuckled in disbelief, "I can't imagine you doing stuff like that. " "I used to do that while I was doing an internship." He shrugged, "It might have been a long since the last time I did that, but trust me, I am pretty good at it," It will be nice to have him with me. He probably will not make me feel bored on our way there "Don't you have anything much important to do here?" I asked, glancing at the files that have been piled up neatly on his desk, "It seems like you have a lot of files to sort. Still, it is very kind of you to offer help, but I have to decline for now. " Colton followed the line of my eyes, "Ah. These are nothing. I can sign them later. " He waved his hand dismissively at the files. Was he willing to delay his work just to he with me? I smiled, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, "I'll let you tag along since you keep insisting -" "Great! We can have lunch first, and then we can meet your client, " He said, standing up, "Let's go. " I smiled at his eagerness and stood up as well, "Alright, let's go," We stepped out of his temporary office and waited for the elevator. When the doors opened, I was surprised to see Colton's father standing there with a briefcase in his hand. He looked at the both of us in surprise as well. "Ah, Charlotte. We seem to meet frequently these days, " He said, stepping to the side to give us space. "Yes, Mr. Lockwood, " I said, unsure if I should step in or not. I didn't know if Colton would step inside the elevator or not since his father was already inside. They are not in talking terms, so it will be awkward for sure. Will he step in or not? I looked up at Colton and saw him glowering at his father. I sighed and without thinking, I grabbed his hand and stepped into the elevator, "We're going to be late" I said when he tore his eyes away from his father to look down at me. His nostrils flared, but he didn't say anything. He just adjusted his hand, covering my small hand now. I smiled up at him before glancing at Bernard Lockwood. He was watching the both of us with a small smile etched on his lips, "Are you guys going somewhere?" He asked politely, and I nodded. "Colton is accompanying me to meet my client, Mr. Lockwood, " I answered, "What about you? Are you headed somewhere as well?" I asked without thinking. Ugh, why did I ask that? I shouldn't have- He seemed stunned by my question but nodded at me, "I have lunch date with my wife." Colton scoffed next to me while I had to force myself to keep smiling, "Ah, that's nice. Have fun, I guess" I said, looking at the screen to see on which floor we were in right now. Is it just me, or is the elevator moving extra slowly today? Just get to the f*****g ground floor soon, will you? The air inside the elevator felt claustrophobic. I couldn't even breathe like I normally would. It felt so stuffy. We reached the ground floor after what it felt like an eternity, "See you soon, Charlotte," He said, stepping out of the elevator before us. It felt like I could breathe again at that moment. "See you around, Mr. Lockwood, " I called out before looking up at Colton again, "That was awkward. I am never getting myself in that kind of situation ever again. " I shook my head. I didn't realize I still hadn't let go of his hand until Colton pulled me out from the elevator. A few heads turned our way in interest as the mighty CEO walked with an unfamiliar woman, hand in hand at that. Is it okay if his staff gets to know about me and him? I kept my face down, hoping no one would recognise me when I come back again to look at his office. Colton noticed what I was doing and I could have sworn I saw him smiling. Ah, he is enjoying this. Of course. He loved making me feel flustered. "Alright, where do you want me to go?" He asked when we got in the car. "Isn't your driver coming with you today?" I asked, ignoring his question. He shook his head, "I told him not to. It will just the two of us today. You didn't answer my question yet. Where do you want to have lunch today?" I thought about it for a moment. I have always had normal kind of lunch for the past weeks. Today, I was craving to eat something that can tantalise my tongue, "Do you like spicy food?" I asked looking up at him. I thought I saw his face paled, "Or you can't have spicy food-" He quickly rearranged his facial features, "Who said I can't? I love eating something that makes me sweat. I have spicy food all the time that I am immune to spice these days" He said a little too defensively. For some reason, I couldn't believe a word he said. I looked at him warily, "Are you sure? We don't have to go there today if you're not able to have it" I shook my head, "This place is serves spicy dishes only. I wouldn't go there if I can't tolerate the littlest amount of spice" Colton chuckled, rolling his eyes at that"I told you. I can have it. Where is this place? Just tell me the address" He said, ready to key into the GPS. I sighed, "Fine. Let's go to the newest Korean restaurant in New York" I said with a shrug, "I think it's located at the Grand street" I added. Colton nodded his head at me and then smiled after setting up the GPS, "Alright, we will be there in no time" He said before pulling the car out from the parking lot and speeding towards the exit of the building.
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