Chapter 38

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"I told you this place only served spicy food. Why did you come here when you clearly couldn't handle spice at all?" I shook my head at him as I watched him fan his fingers in front of his tongue, "And you had to order the spiciest dish at that" I was surprised when Colton did that. He had a smug smile on his face until they served the food. All of his smiles vanished into the thin air after that. He took a bite, and his whole face went red. I had a hard time fighting back my smile as I had my food. I thought I would be enjoying the spice today, but I enjoyed watching Colton today. It was extremely hilarious. He took a bite and shuddered visibly. Then he thought he was smirking at me, but in actual reality, it looked more like a grimace. I told him he didn't have to eat it if he didn't like it, but Colton wouldn't agree to it. "I used to have something much more spicier than this. This is nothing compared to that, " He said, chugging down a bottle of iced water, "God, that feels so refreshing. Who knew water could make me feel this good? " He sighed, a real smile creeping up to his lips. "You had something spicier than this? Hmm, next time we should come here again and ask them to serve everything with extra spice, " I suggested, grinning when I saw his eyes widen in alarm. "No, why would we come here? We had already tried this restaurant. We should try something else. What about something Italian next time?" I found his behaviour cute. He couldn't handle the spice at all, but he managed to have half of the plate just to impress me, "Hmm. You do have a point. We will have Italian next time, " I said after pretending to think about it for a few seconds. Relief flooded in his eyes, "Yeah," He said, starting the car. I cleared my throat, "I have to warn you about something, though. You had plenty of spicy food today, and you know what that means, right?" I asked, turning my head to the side to look at his face, "The bathroom scene is not going to look pretty, " His eyes went round, "Wh-what?" He asked, paling again. "I'd advise you to drink a lot of water, but you don't have to since you have spicy food all the time," I went on when he remained quiet. He smiled sheepishly at me and nodded his head. It was hard to control my laughs, but I didn't want to make him feel offended. So I turned my head to the other side to look out of the window and bit down my lower lip as I grinned. We went to visit two of my clients after that, and just like he had promised, Colton jotted down everything in a small notebook just like Lana did. The only difference is that everyone, including my clients, was watching him with interest this time. He attracted attention without even trying. I didn't know why, but it annoyed me when they eyed him like he was something to eat. One of the clients even asked me if I would bring him with me again. "Give me that book," I said when we were on our way to my apartment. He handed me the book, and I quickly scanned its contents, noting how elegant his handwriting was, "How is it? Did I get everything right?" He asked, smiling ahead at the road. "This is pretty good for an intern." I smiled, putting the book inside my bag. "See, I told you I wasn't that bad. You could bring me with you again if you want. " He ran his fingers through his silky hair. I observed him as he drove the car. Who would have thought I would be this comfortable with him? Is this the man I was about to reject without even trying to get to know him? If I had met him before Jake, would I have dated him for real? He is the perfect boyfriend material. He was kind, funny, and thoughtful. It is rare to see a man possessing all those traits these days. He was the man who made me restore my faith in trusting man again. "What are you thinking about? You were all smiles earlier, but now you're frowning, " He noted, "Is something wrong?" I shook my head, "Just thinking about the want ifs" He clicked his tongue, "It is a waste of time to think about it." "You think so?" I asked, and he nodded in answer, "I was - I was thinking about how not all the men are the same. When Jake cheated on me, I thought what all the girls say these days" I paused to see his reaction, "All men are the same," I said when he looked confused. "Ah that," He cringed, "Helena says the same all the time," "Do you agree with her then?" Colton chuckled dryly, "Well, I might want to rephrase her statement. Not all men are the same, but most of them are. I know someone very close to me who betrayed the one person who loved him with all her heart. " He gripped the steering wheel tighter, "So yeah, you can say almost all men are the same. They betray the one who love them the most. " I have a feeling that he was referring to his father. I didn't want him to get upset now, "Back to what I was saying, I thought all men were the same at that time, but I realized I shouldn't stereotype" "Why?" "Well, for one, my father isn't anything like that, and then there's you," I paused, "You always save me from unfortunate situations without expecting anything in return," "Unfortunate situation? Do you mean Jake situation?" I nodded at him, "It makes me feel a little relieved. There is still hope for men, " I joked, wanting to cheer him up a little. Colton turned his to the side and looked at my face before bursting into laughter, "Oh God, that's hilarious, Charlotte." He grinned, "You sure know how to c***k a joke" "Oh well," I said with a shrug of my shoulder, "We didn't buy that dress yet. Are you sure I can not wear what I already have? I genuinely think it is unnecessary for me to go buy a new one. " "Trust me. You don't know those sly women. They would do anything to humiliate you. You must not give room for that" Seriously, how bad they can be? "You're making me start reconsidering about that dinner now," "Don't worry. I will be by your side all night. Anyone who messes with you will get my wrath. I will not sit still when someone tries to humiliate you" That made my insides feel warm, "Really?" "Of course. I will make sure they regret it" If someone tried to humiliate me when I was Jake, he'd probably tell me to get over with it. He just never stood up for me. Why did I waste my time with someone like him? "Thanks" I said. I don't know why I am starting to compare him with Jake. It is an obvious fact that Jake could never beat Colton in anything but still, I couldn't help it. Whenever he makes me happy, it reminds me that Jake never even tried to make me smile. "We're here" I heard Colton say. I blinked. It felt like we just got in the car a few minutes ago but we had arrived at my apartment in such short period if time. I glanced down at my watch and realized it has been an hour since we got in the car. So why does it feel like time ticks faster when I am with him? I cleared my throat, "Thank you for today, Colton. I owe you one" I said, grabbing my bag, "I'll let you know if I am free tomorrow so we can go get a nice evening dress" "Sounds good to me" He said, "You worked to your bone today. Have some rest when you get home" He smiled at me as I unlocked the door and stepped our of the car. "You drive safe as well" I said, shutting the door softly. I knew he wouldn't leave the spot until he is sure that I have safely entered the resident area so I quickly rushed inside. I looked over my shoulder just in time to see his car leaving the area. I didn't realize I was smiling to myself until I saw my reflection on the doors of the elevator. I stopped smiling altogether. What in the world- Get it together, Charlotte. He is just a good friend to you. Nothing more. Just keep that in your mind always, I reminded myself.
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