
1044 Words
Camilla POV Milo left for his trip to Alaska a few days ago. This will be the first time I’ve been without him since we met. We’ve been pretty much more inseparable than before since we got engaged a month ago. To busy myself while Milo is gone I have been practicing my magic and started planning our wedding. I haven’t made much progress with the wedding but I’ve started an that’s what counts. We’re going to get married in May. Four months from now so I have to get busy soon. Catalina, Sky, Millie, Jane and Aria have all offered to help which will really would take a few loads of my shoulders. Today, all I am doing is laying in bed. I feel nauseous and whenever I’m not laying down it gets worse. Millie, Jane, and Aria have all offered to spend the night with me to make me feel better. It’s not much of a slumber party vibe with my occasional throwing up. The next morning I wake up with the instant urge to puke. I make my way to the bathroom quickly and spend about 30 minutes puking before Aria walks in. She comes over holding me from behind. I feel absolutely awful. “Did you spray something in here? It smells like oranges in here.” “Aria it smells like vomit in here.” I say laughing a little bit. “’re the smell, you smell like oranges Cami.” “Milo says I smell like apple pie.” “OMG! You’re pregnant!” Aria says standing up looking my stomach. “No, I’m not! I’m sick.” I snap back. “You’re sick, you’re smell has changed, and I’m pretty sure you have not had your period in a few weeks. Tell me I’m wrong.” “F—k!” I say placing my head into my hands. “Let’s go to the pack hospital and get a professional opinion.” Aria says helping me off the ground. Millie and Jane had left when I started getting sick again this morning. So, it was just Aria and I waiting in Doctor Roland’s office. He is the top doctor in the pack and even moved around his schedule to see me. He insisted anything for his future Luna Queen. Doctor Roland quickly took some blood from me after I explained my symptoms to him. After 30 minutes he came back in the room. “Our future Luna Queen is definitely pregnant all right. About 5 weeks along.” He says with a smile on his face. Turns out Milo gave me an extra Christmas present. I panic a little inside having confirmation of the pregnancy. My hands are slighting illuminated but not glowing like they would months ago. I have really worked on controlling that. I quickly hide them under my sweatshirt before anyone sees. “Otherwise you are all good to go Camilla. Come back in a month for a check up and take good care of yourself. Come back in if you need me sooner.” He says before exiting the room. Aria is sitting next to practice beaming at the news. “Calm down. You have more baby fever than me and I’m the pregnant one.” I say to her jokingly. Aria and I head back to the Alpha Suite. I still feel incredibly nauseous and need to be within a certain distance from a trash can or toilet. When I have finally stopped puking I mind link Millie and Jane to visit so I can tell them the news. I’m definitely going to need help to plan how to tell Milo. “I’m pregnant!” I shout at them as soon as the elevator opens. They both engulf me in a hug, Aria not far behind them. “I need help figuring out how to tell Milo when he gets home.” I yell over them to quiet them down. “Sleepover time?” Jane suggest. “Absolutely. But rule number one this is all between us and Doctor Roland until further notice.” I say strictly. They all nod their heads in agreement and go into sleepover mode. Alpha King Milo POV I’m extremely pissed off right now. Alaska is cold as f—k and I miss my mate. Just remembering I will be away from her for two weeks drives Grayson and I both insane. Ever since we left Grayson and I have been feeling uneasy the whole time. I can’t explain why. Beside the cold and uneasy feeling I also can’t get into contact with anyone back home. The cell phone service out here sucks. The pack uses landlines to communicate by phone. Their only landline is in the Alpha’s office. This place was a bit more remote than I was anticipating. The trip at Blue Moon has been going well at least. Their Alpha is very smart and competent which greatly pleases me. Alpha’s need to be strong leaders who have their pack’s best interest at heart and in mind. That is something my father instilled in me all my life knowing I would take his place one day. Back home since Hunter is with me my mother is in charge. I would have let Camilla handle the pack but paws state that until we are married and marked she can’t do any official duties. I hope my angel is holding up well with me not being there. I miss her like crazy. My sour mood has mostly kept me in my room at Blue Moon whenever I am not attending meetings or participating in formalities. Some of the unmated women have tried their shot with me. Because Camilla and I are not marked yet I appear to be fair game for the unmated. Otherwise if we were marked these women wouldn’t even dare look at me. Every unmated woman will faint when they hear I’m mated. Since I found my mate so late some people started to assume I would take a chosen mate. My mother has preached to me for too long about the mate bond for me to ever think about that. Thankfully, the Moon Goddess sent me the perfect mate. My angel, Camilla.

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