A Christmas Dream: Part Two

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Alpha King Milo POV When Hunter sits down he tells me we have put off traveling to the last pack as a part of my protocol. The reason I met Camilla. “Where is it again?” I ask him irritated at the thought of having to leave Camilla. We won’t be wed in time for her to have reason to travel along with me. “Alaska. To Blue Moon.” He states. I completely forgot I saved the worst journey for last. F—k me. We’re gonna be gone for while. “We leave in a month.” Hunter said removing me from my inner thoughts. Before I can say anything else the buzzer rings again. This time it’s Alpha Jack and Kane. “Anyone want a drink?” I ask heading towards the liquor cabinet. I pour a glass of good ole’ fashioned Tennessee whiskey for Jack, Kane, Hunter, and myself. Camilla POV The kitchen is in full swing with something going on everywhere. My apple pie I made for Milo is almost done. I’m so excited for him to try it. I made it from scratch using Joanna Gaines recipe. Aria and Jane are making sure the ham is perfectly cooked. Hunter’s mate Alicia came in and started helping with the sides. I gladly took baby Emma from her and she’s been attached to my hip ever since. She’s a cute chunky baby. All is left now is the bread rolls. After 30 more minutes all the food is ready and Catalina and Sky have finally showed up. Because we don’t have a dining table everyone spreads out around the island and living room. I need to remind Milo we could really use a table for events like this. Milo gives a toast and everyone digs in. After we eat everyone wants to open presents. While they open presents I pull the pie out of the oven and get it ready to be served. Milo instantly comes over to me when he smells the apple pie. “And here I thought your scent was just getting stronger” he says kissing my cheek “Nope. Just wanted to make pie.” I tell him handing him the first piece. He grabs a fork and instantly digs in. “Sh-t. This is good angel. I’m proud of you.” He says with his mouth full. Soon everyone gathers after opening presents to get a piece of pie. They all have the same reaction Milo had. Thank goodness for Joanna Gaines. After pie we gather around and play games together. Milo and I had never played a game together before. It was a blast. It was also nice to have family time with father and Kane. After some time everyone slowly stagger out and it’s just Milo and I. We snuggle on the couch watching The Santa Clause. He gets up for a moment and when he comes back he has a present in his hand. “I got you a little something else” he says handing me the small box. When I open it it’s a small diamond tennis bracelet. “It’s beautiful. You have outdone yourself today Mister Xanderbilt.” I say kissing him. He takes it from the box and places it on my right wrist. It’s stunning. If I knew he was going to get me a present I would have gotten him one too. But he insisted all he wanted was me. I tried to argue with me but he did not budge a bit. “You know how I postponed visiting the last pack in the territory?” Milo suddenly asks me. “Yes. Why?” I brown my eyebrows at him. “Hunter says we need to go in a month. Blue Moon is located in Alaska so we’ll be gone for two weeks.” He says not making eye contact with me. I don’t know why he is acting weird. I understand his role and responsibilities. “I’ll be fine if that is what you are worried about.” I tell him taking his hand in mine. “I just feel strange leaving you. I don’t know why.” “It’ll be okay. We still have a month left before you leave. Let’s watch the movie.” I say kissing him again. We cuddled back up and continue watching our movie. By the time we go to bed we have watched all three Santa Clause movies and are ready for bed. Milo picks me up bridal style in my half asleep daze and carries me to our bed. That night I have a strange dream. More like a nightmare actually. I was in my bedroom alone it was dark and cold. Then Lucian shows up and everything starts getting fuzzy and then it was just complete darkness. I woke up scared and covered in sweat. I felt disgusting so I got up carefully not to wake Milo up and headed for the bathroom. I ran myself a hot bath and added bubble bath to add some excitement. When the tub was full I turned in the jets and submerged myself in the warm water. This was a perfect way to forget about that horrid nightmare. I soak in the tub for about 45 minutes before I gather up the strength to get out. I dry off an throw one of Milo’s t-shirts on before heading back to bed. When I glance at the clock before shutting my eyes I see it’s 4 in the morning. Hopefully I can get a decent sleep in before it’s time to get up. Today, I need to help taking down the Christmas decorations. I love decorating for Christmas early but after Christmas is said and done I’m completely wiped out and done with the holiday. Luckily I have the pack house staff to assist me.
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