CHAPTER 36 Enjoying Our Last Few Days Here

1215 Words

  "Well if you're going to go off chasing after your marginally less psychotic little brother, then I'm going to drop in and see Eleanor and say my goodbyes to little Devante as well." Lexi informed them.   "Wait, all of you are leaving as well?" Brad asked in surprise.   "We aren't here to hold your hand for the rest of your life Brad," Lexi snorted, "We brought you your son and I can see that Eleanor has taken to being a grandmother like a duck to water so I really don't think that there's any need for us to stick around."   "That's fair."   "I'm not sure I like you going off on your own Lexi…" Greyson frowned, earning a small noise that sounded like something somewhere halfway between a snort and a laugh.   "I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself, okay?" She answered flippantly

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