CHAPTER 35 Incompetent

1150 Words

  By the time Lexi emerged from the shower the tension was so thick it was almost palpable. She smirked as they glowered at her resentfully and set about changing into clean clothes.   As much as she loved them both, she really didn't think that either of them appreciated just how sore she was inside after Greysons knot had speared her. If she had to impose a ban on them just to get her point across then she had no problem in doing so.   They walked to Brad's office with Lexi strutting ahead proudly, ignoring the awkward atmosphere, as her mates followed in a subdued silence.   They knocked and waited for Brad to answer before wandering in and instantly Brad picked up on the atmosphere.   "Is there something that I should know?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.   "Nah," Lexi answered w

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