CHAPTER 19 Children

1207 Words

  When Lexi woke the next morning her mind was a little fuzzy and her body ached as it never had before. The dull throb inside of her between her legs almost matched the steady throb of her pulse in her neck and she carefully lifted her hand to run her fingers over the soreness on the skin there.   She hadn't wanted to wake her mates as they slept peacefully beside her, but the wounds that she could feel on her neck and the dried traces of blood that lay atop the broken skin made her stomach flip uncomfortably.   Had they marked her and she hadn't even realized?!   As much as she wanted to throw their arms away from her and run to the mirror to see what it looked like, she held her temper. Her souls were at peace inside of her and didn't react to her anger at all which meant that this w

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