CHAPTER 18 You're Ours Now

1123 Words

  Greysons hands gripped her hips tightly as he held her in place, his chest heaving with the exertion as he glowered down at her possessively.   The waves of pleasure from her o****m had subsided now and all that was left was a sharp throb deep inside of her p***y around Greyson's c**k.   "f**k… that hurts." She grimaced as she attempted to reposition herself and pull away again, but yelped as the pain intensified.   "For once in your life just listen," Greyson hissed down at her, "Don't move otherwise you're going to do yourself damage."   Lexi glowered back at him and as her eyes drifted up to Allen, a look of understanding flickered across his face.   "What?" Lexi demanded, "What is it? What do you both know that I don't?"   "Can you change position so that she's on top of you?"

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