302 Words

DROP THIRTEEN The ambulance lit up the street in blue colours. It was late at night. People peeked out of their windows, curious to see what the fuss was about. “The odd thing is, that in his neighbourhood, we’re usually doing a pickup, not a delivery. Sign here, please,” the medic said and presented a tablet for him to sign digitally. “You can’t just leave her here,” Hector complained. The medic glanced up at his face. “Aren’t you the registered owner of this athlete?” “Yeah… But-” “Then it’s your problem, not mine. They stabilised her down at the ER and now she just needs to recover. You can look up an FAQ at our website for instructions and supplies you might need.” “Which website?” “Just look under Cyberpink Common Questions on the Apollo Medical site.” Hector blinked and poin

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