625 Words

DROP TWELVE Hector pulled his hair. This was so stressing. The match went on, he could barely keep up. Swords and staffs and balls-and-chains flew and smacked everyone around. He had no idea what was happening. He ran replays and watched Patty Roo. She seemed good at this, but something was off. She spun her longsword with precision, she sidestepped so many blows, dodging them by an inch. But the opposing team as a whole seemed to be better. Much better. All the Pinup Girls had to show for was their boobs. Hector checked their stats. Sexiness, 3. Sexiness, 2. Sexiness, 3. The useful stats were all ones. Sure, it made for a sweet ad package, but it wasn’t gonna let them win any matches. a*s or no a*s, this was still a sport, dammit! Or, maybe it didn’t even matter? Hector was this c

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