20. Red wolf

1861 Words
Mateo is almost ninety percent sure his wolf won’t hurt Lyana if he shifts so she can see his animal alter ego. She is not pressing him to do it, but he has to give her something. It’s too soon for the mansion, or the fact he has his father locked up. He can’t tell her about the stock exchange without admitting how much money he really has. That ties into the mansion as well. He hasn’t come up with a plausible plan about that. He can’t just blurt it out like an i***t. Silence is golden, but in his case, it’s his own downfall. He was silent for too long and in doing so he ruined the best thing that ever happened to him. His relationship with Lyana. Mending what he broke will take time. She gave him a bit more, maybe she would be willing to stay if he gives her his wolf? With ample safety measures. He is not willing to let things go by chance. The double glass door in the kitchen is thick enough that the wolf can’t just break it. Mateo is sure he can keep the wolf from accessing magic, but he can’t stop her from opening the door. He can only plead with her to stay behind the glass. ‘You are overthinking it. Again.’ His wolf scoffs. ‘Do you promise that you won’t scare her? Do you promise to stay put? Do you promise to keep the glass door intact?’ Mateo inquires of his wolf. ‘Do I have to? She wants to see me. She is a reasonable woman. She knows wolves are not pets.’ The wolf counters. ‘I know she knows. But I don’t trust you with her.’ Mateo sighs. ‘You were great the last few days, but who is to say you will stay that way? What if she moves? What if she startles you?’ ‘You worry too much.’ The wolf shakes his head. ‘I promise to be good. For her, not for you.’ He glances over at Lyana. She’s watching the movie with interest and he can’t even tell what it is they are watching. He wasn’t paying attention at all. What is the title again? The small digital clock under the TV says eleven in the evening. The movie is almost over and he missed all of it. He hopes she won’t ask him what he thinks about it. But he’s got a distraction prepared for her. He’ll wait till the credits and ask her if she still wants to see his wolf. He made the plan. The wolf agrees with it, reluctantly. But, he’s not budging from the plan. Her safety is the most important thing. If he puts her outside, she won’t scream. She never draws attention to herself. So she won’t do anything to alert the neighbours. “Do you still want to see my wolf?” He asks her as soon as the movie ends. “Now? Yes.” She beams a smile at him. “I’ll draw the blinds.” “No! Wait.” He pulls her back down on the sofa. “We have to talk about it first. There are some rules you have to agree to.” “What rules? I know what you are. Besides, who am I going to tell? And why would I?” She frowns at him. “It’s not about who or what you tell.” He shakes his head. “My wolf is different. I don’t entirely trust him. We have to take some precautions for your safety.” “What are you talking about? What precautions?” She gapes at him. “For one, I want you standing safely outside. My wolf promised to behave, but I still want you safe behind the glass door.” He tells her. “And two, if you’re outside you won’t scream and draw attention.” “You’re not making any sense. Why would I scream? I have seen a wolf before. I am one.” Lyana wonders. “I can’t really explain it. My wolf is bigger, and the fangs don’t retract at all. He looks like he’s sneering all the time.” Mateo tries with the most obvious things. “Oh, and the colour is all wrong for our pack. My wolf is red. I have no idea why. All the research I did got me nothing.” “Could that have something to do with your grandmother? Mixed lineages can result in genetic hiccups.” Lyana inquires. They both know his grandmother was a witch. Too bad she died before Lyana’s granny got so sick. Maybe she could have helped? But, they will never know. “It is possible. I never looked into that aspect. Getting genetic work done on a wolf is risky. We don’t have a lab of our own.” He tells her. She might be onto something. They can explore that later, when she has all the facts. “So? Do I get to see the wolf now?” Lyana smiles up at him. “Yes.” He nods. “But, please keep to the rules. Stay on the safe side of the door. I don’t fully trust my wolf.” “Absurd. But I will do as you wish. For you.” She smiles again. She is excited, he can see it clearly. She just got a huge present from him. He knows he can trust her with everything. Doing it… so damn hard when you keep secrets from everyone, not just her. She gives him a kiss before she walks over to the kitchen. The glass door has a lock on both sides for easier access to the garden. The door handle is something he never saw anywhere else. It doesn’t go with the door at all, but granny insisted it stays. Now it makes sense. You can’t open the door without a key, no matter the side you’re on. A wolf can’t operate a key. His paws are not made for it. He stripps his clothes and winks at her. He can feel her eyes on him. It’s really flattering. The way she looks at him like he’s a candy to be eaten. She is on the other side of the door. She is safe. The last thought he has as a human is how much he loves her. Then he lets his wolf out. The shift is graceful and instantaneous. He’s been shifting a lot lately and it helps. Mateo grabs a hold of the magic and locks it away. The wolf promised, but better be safe than sorry. He can see his own reflexion in the glass. Blood red fur and long white fangs. The red eyes are focused on her. She hasn’t moved at all. He can see her breathing. He can feel her eyes on him. She is studying the wolf. He tilts his head a bit and her eyes follow him. ‘I want to know what she’s thinking.’ Mateo says. He is curious. But most of all he wants to know if he just messed up by showing her the wolf. ‘I have no idea. She is impossible to read. She would beat you at poker every time.’ The wolf answers. ‘I know. She’s good.’ He responds. She is just standing there. She doesn’t move, but she doesn’t appear to be in shock. ‘She’s beautiful. Thank you for letting me see her with my own eyes.’ His wolf tells him. The animal is star struck. He even sits down to make himself smaller. And then she does what he told her not to. She opens the door with her key. Mateo cringes in his mind. He can’t force the shift. It hurts way too much. Besides, he can’t get it done fast enough. She is next to the wolf as the door opens. At least she had safety in mind and she closed the door. The wolf can’t get out. But the animal is not thinking about running. He’s still and hardly breathing. Their mate is standing so close he can feel her breath on his fur. “Wow.” She whispers. “So very beautiful. Unusual. Graceful.” The wolf looks at her with his head still tilted. He doesn’t make a move at all. He’s waiting for her. “It suits you. To be different.” Lyana tells the wolf. Then she sinks her hand in his fur just behind his ear. Mateo can feel the pleasure running through the wolf’s body. It’s the first time anyone touched the wolf. It’s a new, strange feeling, but it feels good. She can keep doing it. The wolf allows it. He likes it. ‘I’m not getting domesticated. Tell her I’m not a pet.’ The wolf growls at Mateo. ‘I told her before. She doesn’t listen.’ He answers. ‘You can have her. I don’t think I like being petted.’ The wolf scoffs. The shift happens right after that. The wolf gives him back control of their body. He got what he wanted. He’s seen her and that is enough for the animal. The rapid shift sends an electric current up her arm. She yelps and they tumble to the floor together. Mateo holds her close to his body and he smiles. The wolf didn’t hurt her. They made progress today. The wolf might never allow her to touch him again, but he’s not worried about it. This experience was enough. He holds her close and kisses her hair. She is still to say something, but he doesn’t want to rush her. Just having her in his arms is enough. She would have protested if she wouldn’t have liked it. “Stop overthinking.” Lyana chuckles. “Just kiss me.” “I love you. Thank you for your patience.” He whispers in her ear. “But, please, don’t pet the wolf again. He wants you to know he’s not domesticated.” “I know. I just couldn’t resist. He was looking at me with such sad eyes.” She responds. “Can I pet you?” “Please do.” He whispers. She has full access as it is. He’s at her mercy right now. The endorphins from the shift are still coursing through his body. The wolf is happy and he poses no danger at the moment. They can relax a bit. Or not. Their kisses turn on the heat between them and she loses her clothes one piece after the other. This time she takes no mercy and pounces on him. She is hungry and so is he. He rams inside of her with the speed his wolf lends him. He needs her so much it hurts. And she is the only medicine for his aches. She is the only one that can soothe him now. His love, his life, his mate. But he can’t let the bond form, so he uses his magic to hold it back. She still doesn’t know everything. It’s not fair to her to bind her to him while she doesn’t know.
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