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Who knew having friends is so much fun? She was out twice with Nina and she invited her to lunch on Sunday. She told Mateo about it, but he’s like her, he will be fascinated by a leopard. She left the meal planning to him, because he is all for making new friends. Now that his father is gone, they are free to do what they want. They only come in contact with wolves and bears around here. If there are other shifters in Milano, she doesn’t know about them. She wonders if Davide looks exotic as well. From what Nina said, he has African ancestors. The other person she even considered talking to is Alessio. He was surprised out of his boots when she called him. But, in the end he agreed to a drink. It’s just coffee in a biker bar. But she has heard so much about that bar. It’s wolf owned, but she has never been there in her life. He probably chose it because it's just down the street from the fire station, and not too far for her to walk to the hospital. She sits at the first table, with the fence behind her back. Did she choose right? She is regretting coming here. The glances her way are worrisome. Will they ask her to leave? She is a wolf, but the bar is specifically for bikers. She ordered coffee, but that is yet to show up. As is Alessio. Will he keep her waiting? Or will he ditch her all together? Where is her confidence lately? Why is she questioning everything? “Sorry. I was held up at the station.” Alessio smiles down at her. “That’s fine. I was just wondering if they would make me leave.” She smiles back. “Nah. You are the best attraction today. They are just shocked to see you.” He answers. The waitress selects that exact moment to bring two coffees out. Was the girl just waiting for him? Or is this a coincidence? “I wouldn’t call myself an attraction.” She frowns. She noticed everyone was looking at her, but she felt confusion and anger, not interest. “Just wait till Grazia shows up. You will be forgotten in an instant.” He winks at her. “I hope you don’t mind that I invited her?” “Does she know?” Lyana looks at him in wonder. “Yeah.” He scoffs. “After the stunt Vito pulled, I had to tell her everything I left out before. And Elio dished out some real damage. It was bad for a few days.” “That bad? Tell me you at least saw someone? You didn’t stitch yourself up?” She whispers. She can imagine him doing it. But he was also in a lot of pain. “Grazia took me to Vesna and Ty. He’s a doctor.” Alessio explains. Then he adds: “A real one.” “Isn’t he too young for that?” She inquires. She has heard about Ty, but everyone said the guy looks twenty. “Appearances. He’s much older than he looks.” He chuckles. “But we’re not here to talk about Ty. I’m intrigued. Why did you call me? I think the last time we spoke for more than five words was that anatomy exam in college.” “Oh. The good old times.” She laughs, too. “Look at us now. We both dropped out. I’m a nurse and you’re a paramedic.” “There is nothing wrong with the professions we chose in the end.” Alessio shakes his head. “At least we have a job. I heard half of our class failed.” “I know. But we all thought you would become a big shot surgeon one day.” She smiles at the thought. “That was my mother’s dream, not mine. I wanted to be a Chef.” He shrugs. “In the end I took the best of both worlds.” “And you are happy.” She formed it as a statement. She can see it in his eyes. And he is constantly smiling. He is happy. “She makes me happy.” Alessio points to a woman walking their way. She is beautiful. Long blond hair and legs that go on forever. She is as tall as Alessio is. Probably helped by the heels she’s wearing. But that woman turns heads wherever she goes. Half of the bar is hanging on the windows just to see her. “She is amazing. Is that hair for real?” Lyana whispers. She knows Alessio heard her. “Yeah. She’s real.” He nods. “But everyone is looking at her bike. She always comes with a different one to keep them on edge.” “I see. She has the ultimate weapon against bikers.” She smiles. She has a licence, but she never had a bike of her own. So, she never registered with the club. “I told you, you will be forgotten when she comes.” He winks at her. Grazia and her coffee arrive at the table at the same time. The waitress knows exactly how she likes her coffee. So, that must mean the human woman is here a lot. She was accepted into the fold here. Was she accepted into the pack as well? Alessio got permission to return and to bring her back with him. They are seeing each other in public. And nobody frowns at her. “I know exactly what you’re thinking.” Alessio leans over to her. “Vito is gone. Most of them don’t even know you. They will accept you. You just have to give them a chance.” “You really think so?” She inquires. “Yeah. Just tell Mateo to sign you up. Then you come here and make friends.” Alessio suggests. “You do know how to ride a bike? I remember you got a licence.” “I do. I just don’t have a bike of my own.” She nods. “We can help you get one. There is a bike sale coming up in a few weeks. A lot of good bikes will be up for grabs.” Grazia joins the conversation. “You don’t mind a used bike? Do you?” “I would love a bike, but I can’t afford one.” She whispers. She feels so small suddenly. Sitting in a biker bar with no bike to call her own. She feels like a fraud. “Magic can happen. Just believe.” Grazia smiles at her. She just made another friend. She came here to get information about Mateo, but instead she was taught a valuable lesson in friendship. She has to ask. She is sure that nobody really knows anything, but she will feel better to know she’s not alone. “Do you know what Mateo does all day? It’s driving me crazy, because he never says anything. I’m starting to wonder if he ever talks with anyone?” She sighs. “No. He’s the most private person I know.” Alessio shakes his head. “Even at Kara’s party he just stood in the corner. He might have said a few words to her and that was it.” “I have to get him to open up. I can’t live with all the secrecy. I trust him with everything and he says nothing.” She tells them. “Do that. Force him if you have to. It’s not good to keep secrets from your mate. It damages the bond.” Alessio whispers. He is careful as he speaks. There are ears that could overhear them easily. “How much do you remember of your grandmother?” She whispers. She glances around to see they are miraculously alone on the terrace. “I was thinking he might have inherited something. I think he is the one to keep our mate bond from fully forming.” “He might be.” Alessio nods. “I never thought about it much. Kara is powerful, Teo even more so. Now I know Allegra has a very peculiar power. She is learning to keep it in check.” “That wasn’t fun at all. I’m human, I can’t guard my mind against her.” Grazia shudders. The memory must be really unpleasant, Lyana thinks. “Try to make him talk. Just don’t do anything drastic. He might snap…” Alessio tells her. “...like she did. We owe our lives to Ty and Veles. She could have easily killed everyone at that party.” “But, if he has powers, he must know about it. He can control it. He was never on any pills like Allegra. And Teo got his powers with his wolf.” Lyana develops the thought. She was thinking about it, but she had no one to talk with. “Probably. The only question is what can he do?” Alessio nods. “Promise me you’ll be careful?” “I will. I have no desire to die.” Lyana nods. “But I will leave if he doesn’t start talking. I’ll go back to Avignon. And he knows it.” “You told him?” Grazia wonders. “How did he react?” “He asked for more time. He’s apparently working on something, but he can’t, or won’t tell me what.” She shrugs. “He can make me so mad, sometimes.” “I get it. I know how it is when you can’t tell someone, but at the same time you want to. He’ll find the way. I did. I don’t see why he couldn’t.” Alessio chuckles. “I trust him with everything. It hurts that he can’t do the same.” Lyana says. She is running short on time. In every sense. She doesn’t want to be late to work. And the other timeline is even more worrisome for her. What will she do when her deadline runs out? “That is his problem. He has to deal with it. Whatever it is.” Grazia nods. “Trust is hard to come by. I know you for half an hour and I know you can be trusted. It’s just something about you. It’s a feeling I get. And I’m not wrong. I can trust my feelings in everything I do.” “Thank you. It’s good to actually hear someone say that.” Lyana smiles back at Grazia. New friends are great. And she just got three. So far. She has to see how it goes with Nina’s husband. “You’re welcome. I’ll even drive you to work.” Grazia winks. The bike is a dream. A Harley from the best years. Can it be deemed vintage yet? Probably. Even though it gleams in the sun like it’s new. But Lyana knows her bikes. She has been a fan since early childhood. And she always silently envired Alessio. To learn that Grazia owns a full garage of bikes…Wow! Speechless. She has heard the woman comes from a rich background, but to hear it firsthand is different. A rich girl that rides bikes and h keeps a collection? That would be a guy's hobby. Grazia is full of surprises. And so lovable. Her personality is the best feature about her. Everyone can see her supermodel looks and judge her according to that. But you have to spend some time with her and get to know the true depth of her soul. She is beautiful. “Who was that? I know Mateo’s bike. That wasn’t him.” Nina grabs her at the front door of the hospital. “That was Grazia Pietro.” Lyana chuckles. “I just met her today. The woman is amazing.” “A new friend? What have you done with the old Lyana?” Nina gapes at her. “Don’t answer that! I love this new you.” “Nothing at all. Is the answer you don’t want. I’m still me.” She leans over to her friend to whisper: “Grazia is Alessio’s mate. I have to fill you in on the who is who, but not here. The walls have ears.” “I see. Sunday then?” Nina winks at her. The day has started out great. Now, to tackle the rest. Hopefully, without any great emergencies. She only wishes for a slow day at the emergency room and that nobody dies on her watch. Is it too much to ask for? Maybe. But hope dies last. Pun intended.
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