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Lyana is thinking about the best way to start this conversation. On the one hand, she hates to do it, but on the other, it’s necessary. She can’t go on like this anymore. She needs a change. She would hate to leave, but she can’t stay in this stalemate forever. She is quietly sipping her coffee and contemplating her strategy. The only thing he does around the house is keep the kitchen clean. And he cooks from time to time. If not for that, he would be useless. They are at the point when he acts more like a roommate than a boyfriend. She knows he’s not avoiding her on purpose, there must be something going on for him to be out so much. But what? “You’re awfully quiet today? Is something wrong?” Mateo inquires. He just gave her the perfect opening for the conversation she was preparing in her head. “Yeah.” She nods. She sighs before she looks at him: “So many things. I need a change. I want a family. A child. I want you to get a real job and help with the house. I want more. I want you to decide what we are. I can’t keep going like this. I want you to tell me if we have a future? I’m ready to just pack everything and go.” “Oh!” He shakes his head. “We’re still young. Why this hurry to have a child now? You know how bad the situation is with my father? I don’t want to put you in danger.” “You mean like yesterday? When he came banging on my door?” She accuses him. “Yeah. I hate it that he just showed up like that.” Mateo nods. She can see a flash of guilt in his eyes, but it vanishes quickly. “I can set the plans for a child aside for a year.” She sighs. She knew he wouldn't go for that. At least the excuse is new. “But I need an answer about us. Because right now, you act like a roommate. I can’t do this anymore. I’m seriously thinking of going back to Avignon.” “No!” He exclaims. He doesn’t move any closer to her, but she can see the pain on his face. She got him to show emotions for once. “Don’t go. Please! Give me some time.” “You have one week.” Lyana tells him. “It’s your last chance. I mean it.” “Please, Lyana.” He begs her. “There is so much I have to do, to think about. I have to change something…” “You know you can trust me? Why don’t you tell me anything?” She gives him a chance, but all she gets is silence. “I can’t. Not now. It’s too dangerous.” He shakes his head. She can see the resolve, he won’t say anything. Sometimes, she thinks he is better at keeping secrets than a diary. But he should know better. She would never betray his trust. “Fine. I’ll give you some time, but I expect answers.” She nods. She knew it was a long shot, but she tried: “I need you to pay a few bills this month. The prices have gone up and I can’t pay for everything myself.” “I can give you my book fund. I can go without new books, the internet is more important.” Mateo smiles at her. He gives her a few fifty Euro bills from his piggy bank. She never knew that he keeps money there. The motorcycle looks more decorative than useful for anything. Damn! His smile gets her every time. She can’t even be angry that he didn't give her anything. No answers, no nothing. She has no idea where they stand. He weasled another week from her. She wants an answer this time. She was serious. She hopes he knows that. She is ready to break her own heart and just leave. She stares at the money on the table. He gave her enough to pay almost all the bills they have for the month. She can splurge for some vegetables when she goes shopping. Tomatoes and peppers are her favourite, but no greens. Never anything green. She is a wolf through and through. The only green thing in her life is the lawn outside. She pays the bills, does the shopping and cleans the house. If only Mateo could be bothered with cleaning. He’s got more time than she does. Probably. Because God only knows what he does all day. That is part of her problem. His inability to share things with her. He never tells her anything. He’s keeping secrets and all his thoughts bottled up. Is that the reason for his nightmares? Talking always helped her. It’s the experience she goes by. When something happens, talk about it. Work through it. But not Mateo. Can’t he trust her? Who is she gonna tell? She has no friends and she never talks about her personal life at work. The isolation she feels here is another problem for her wolf. They need more wolves in their lives. Mateo is great, he connects her to the pack, but he’s not enough. She is too lonely. A soft knock on her door makes her frown. They never have visitors. It can’t be Vito again, he doesn’t knock. The Alpha tried to bang down the door the other day. She takes off her gloves and peeks outside. Damn! Is the world going to hell? Did the apocalypse start and nobody told her? What is Elio doing here? Is she in danger? Should she call Liam? That might be overkill, because she doesn’t even know what Elio wants. She puts the security chain back up before she opens the door. The tiny gap is enough for him to see her. She is aware the chain is useless if he wants to come in. She knows enough about him to know that. She made it her personal preference to know something about every enforcer Vito has. “Hi.” He greets her. Wow! The man can smile. He makes her feel safe just by standing there. Why is he the head enforcer? Or is this an act, she thinks. “I’m Elio. I’m looking for Mateo? Kara gave me this address.” “He’s not here.” She sighs. She opens the door wider, because her wolf senses tell her she can trust him: “I thought we were making progress, but then he does something like that and just vanishes. I don’t think I can do this any longer.” “You’re leaving?” Elio inquires. How the hell did he get that from what she said? But it is accurate. The man can read between the lines. “I’m thinking about it. My cousin can take me in. We haven’t seen each other in twenty years, but she is all the family I’ve got.” She shakes her head. She hasn’t even introduced herself and she’s pouring out all her thoughts: “I’m Lyana.” “Where are you from?” He wonders. “Avignon.” She whispers. Is he perceptive or what? “How did you know I’m not from Milano? What gave me away?” “The colour of your hair and you have a slight accent.” He smiles at her. His smile is genuine, it reaches his eyes. The guy is not acting, he really can be nice. “Don’t tell anyone, please.” Lyana pleads with him. “I was always an outsider, but I promised my grandma not to tell anyone. I even coloured my hair dark in high school.” “Your secret is safe with me. I’m an outsider too.” Elio winks. “I’m from Alba.” “But you blend in, I don’t.” She shakes her head at him. “Don’t worry about it. Marra is not like that. I really need to speak with Mateo. Could you give me his number?” He tells her. Now she’s all confused. What is he talking about? Why would the thoughts of the Beta matter? “Yes. Can you shake some sense into him when you’re at it?” She chuckles, but she scribbles Mateo’s number on a piece of paper to give it to him. She is thinking hard about what is going on. What did she miss? She was at work for a double shift and she didn’t meet any of the other wolves that work at the hospital. She had no time to chat with Alessio. Wait a second! Alessio! When did he come back? Last she heard, he was exiled and in Castelletto. But she saw him at the hospital yesterday. What happened? Vito would never have taken him back. Not after the grand spectacle Alessio made. Is this the reason Mateo is suddenly missing? Would he pick up if she calls him? Her mind is spewing up all sorts of crazy ideas. Did something happen to Mateo? Had Vito gone totally nuts and he went after his son? That never stopped the crazy Alpha before, but Mateo managed to stay under the radar of his father for all this time. She waits for his phone to ring a few times. He never picks up on the first ring, even if he has his phone in hand. She has to tell him that she had given Elio his number. It’s fair that she does. “Hey. Is something wrong?” Mateo answers. “Maybe. I don’t know.” She says. He picked up, so that must mean he’s fine. “Elio came by. He was looking for you. I just gave him your number.” “That’s fine. I think I have to talk to him. There is something going on.” Mateo chuckles. He seems in a good mood, she thinks. “Elio said something that confused me…” Lyana starts to explain: “He told me not to worry about my hair. That Marra is different. Why would your aunt matter?” “Vito is missing. Everyone is looking for him. Elio is coordinating the search. I learned that today at the station.” He tells her. “That’s not a joke?” Lyana gapes at the phone. “Are you serious?” “Serious as death. No one has seen my father in days.” He laughs. “I can’t tell you how pleased I am. Hope the bastard rots somewhere.” “I hope this doesn’t blow back to us somehow. You know he can be vindictive,” Lyana whispers quietly. She is worried about what might happen. Is Vito gone, or hiding somewhere? He probably has some scheme planning if he’s alive. She gets a nice cup of tea to wind down after this revelation. She can’t help but think about it. Is it possible that they might be free of Vito? What does it mean for her? Could she hope for a better life? Better treatment? Friends even? She has no one else to ask, but asking Liam about wolf business feels wrong. Maybe she can listen to chatter at work? She did find a lot of pack-related things that way in the past. If Vito is really missing, there will be talk about it. Lyana shakes her head at her own thoughts. She wishes he'd never been found. Probably, she’s not the only one. Are they all really searching for him? Maybe they only say so and then sit somewhere doing nothing? She knows it’s bad to wish death for someone, but Vito deserves it. He makes everyone around him miserable. Even those he has no direct contact with. Like her. She can’t put her trust in the news when it’s only speculation. She will rejoice when it’s confirmed without a doubt that he’s really gone. It’s the first shimmer of hope she has had in a long time. She even sings while cleaning. It’s gotten her into a good mood.
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